
Sun is Setting in the West


12-16-2013, 04:34 AM

The two toned male sat in silence as dual toned eyes watched his Alphess. A couple wolves would arrive late, but he did not blame them. The turmoil of war had left everyone frazzled, and certainly kept others still worrying about their home as they patrolled or simply disappeared to be alone for a while. He knew the after effects of war. He had been in one before when he was barely a yearling, and it was not something he had hoped to see again. As he sat and thought, he listened to the words that Chrysanthe had to say.

He listened as she addressed those that had arrived, and he too noticed the dirty pelt of the Digamma warrior, Caerul. Exhaustion mixed with determination within his eyes, though there was the hint of a certain emotionless factor. Cormalin, he knew was the male's father. And he had been one of the taken prisoners. It was unfortunate, that the family was ripped apart like that...and yet, this Caerul would keep doing his duty, even if in silence. Sephiroth could tell he was dedicated, just as he was. Though he held no ties to Valhalla, save for Seraphine. If not for her, he wouldn't be here. He very well could have ended up somewhere else, perhaps not with Angeal in Ludicael, but maybe still out on the road looking for a place that would accept him. He was lucky to find Valhalla, it changed him in ways he had never expected. The once cold and distant man now found himself helping and caring for a family he never thought could exist for him. And Valhalla was it. He'd watch the proceedings, Azalea refusing the position of Heir, which he found unusual but he would not question nor linger on the thought. Another wolf given her rank again, after it had been so cruelly stripped some time before the war. It was an unfortunate event, and he was sure that if he had intervened upon hearing about it, that the battle hungry alpha at the time would have stripped him of his own rank too, he was sure.

And then something would catch him by surprise. Chrysanthe had announced that he would be promoted to Digamma. A strange sense of pride would swell his chest, and he sat taller as he turned his aquamarine gaze on her. "I thank you Chrysanthe, I will not fail you! I will work hard to ensure our pack is ready to defend and protect should the need arise." Nodding to her, he was proud to have this new position. That meant he could now work alongside Caerul and a few others to get their members the proper training they needed to defend themselves and protect the ones they loved.

The meeting would go on, and soon Chrysanthe had spoken of another surprise. Valhalla would be moving. He was not surprised, after all, the plains on which they lived was now unrecognizable...too much blood had been shed, lives lost, and the land compromised to the enemy. It would be a good change for Valhalla, to start new and fresh. Away from the strains of having to constantly watch all their borders, and this new Island appeared to have one main point, that would be easy enough. He was always on patrol, making sure the borders were safe and that Valhalla could sleep easy. Seldom did he himself sleep, he was trained that way. Anything could happen at any time, and he would never be caught dead in his sleep. They grey woman, Imena would voice her concern about the Island. And Chrysanthe had given a very good answer in explaining. As she did so, he would nod. He approved of her choice, after all, it was a very good one. He knew that these wolves would miss their home, but he also knew that it was time to go. They could not stay here anymore. It would only keep them in danger. "I think it is a good choice. Valhalla would be much safer, and if there are certain herbs that cannot be found on the island, then I am sure we can gather up some volunteers to cross the waters and fetch them. I volunteer myself for that role if it eases some of your worry. Keep in mind, I know a lot of you don't want to leave...but Valhalla is not safe here any longer. So I say we go as soon as possible before the enemy uses this opportune moment to strike. I will help those that need it to cross the open water."