
Somebody Come Git 'Er

open spar


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
07-29-2024, 11:12 PM

She waited patiently, though she wouldn't have to wait long before a familiar face came into view! Eltrys had arrived, and she was a little surprised to see him considering the Boneyard didn't seem like a place he'd frequent. "It's good to see you too, Eltrys! And sure, why not? Now's a good time as any!" She shook her large frame, loosening up her muscles as she readied a battle stance. He wanted to learn how she fought. Well, what better way than a quick crash course? He settled into his own stance, and as they prepared themselves, Saga started to slowly move, as if looking to circle around him.

She walked at a slow pace, amber eyes locked on him as she appeared to search for an opening. Then, without much warning, she charged, dust and grit rising up in her wake as she uttered a roar to throw him off. Her head lowered, left shoulder jutted out as she aimed to throw it into the wolf wherever she could. While she might not be as fast as most wolves, she had learned to adapt to fighting them, and she overpowered them by a landslide. However, brute strength wasn't the only thing she had. Whether or not her first attack was successful, she'd sweep her right forepaw toward his legs in an attempt to sweep his feet right out from under him and drop him into the dirt!

Saga vs Eltrys for Spar
Round: 1/?
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Large species
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Rhino helm
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather armor
Companion 1: Mini Polar Bear, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Mini Polar Bear, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Raptor Dewclaws - Agility
Skills: Master Fighter & Expert Intellectual
Specialty: Knight
