
What Have We Here?

Seph/rhaz idek


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
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Dragon Mod

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Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
07-30-2024, 12:20 AM

She waits someone (im)patiently for someone to arrive, and in the meantime, she shifts for a moment as Red joins her. She glances at him, a gleam in her eye and hint of a grin on her face as her fangs gleam in the Northern light. Her body vibrates with anticipation, wondering who is going to show up. Her attention turns back to the border as she eyes the many marks surrounding them. The air smells like death and decay, the air vibrating with violence and darker tendencies. Honestly, she didn't know there were others out there who enjoyed what she did! What had started out as a an activity that stemmed from boredom in her puphood, had turned into a rather obsessive hobby. Only, out of respect for those in her pack, she hadn't put all of hers on public display...but maybe that'd change, after all, it seemed to give a warning. A deterrent, perhaps. It was no secret, after all, that she took the skins and parts of wolves and not just other predators or prey. After all, her own armor was built out of the skeleton of a wolf who had dared step up against her. Now she wore him as a tropy. Teehee!

The pair would stand in silence before a guttural croak from her vulture alerted her at last to the approach of someone...familiar. Though she couldn't recall his name, but she could never forget that handsome face of his! Her lips twitched up into her usual Cheshire grin as the handsome male spoke, referring to her as "Skeleton woman" which, honestly, she didn't mind at all. He called the place The Syndicate, and it piqued her interest even more. An unusual name for a pack, no? What was their purpose? "Oh, it is the handsome man! Did he miss Medusa?" She teased with a wink, a light cackle slipping past her lips. Before she could continue, another would arrive. This one just as handsome as the first. So far, this pack did not disappoint with the handsome faces, did they?

This new male introduced himself as Sephiran, the Sultan of the Syndicate. She assumed that was the title of his alpha role. She quirked a nod to him, her own stance as confident and commanding the same as him. Though not in a challenging manner, mind. But rather, she was an equal. An alpha same as him. And soon, her son would be, too. A slight tilt of her head first one way, then another, as her grin never left her face. Observing both. She half expected another to emerge, like shadows out of the darkness. But it would appear to just be these two. "Medusa has come to see who the new pack is, and she is not disappointed. She remembers you," She glanced toward Rhazien for a moment before it shifted to Sephiran. "You are new to Medusa, but she has heard of him." Indeed, she heard many a whisper about this man.

She briefly turned to glance at her son, "Medusa has brought Redrum to join her. She is teaching him to be the next alpha of Insomnia. Medusa knows he will not disappoint her." She had a feeling he'd do great things! Now that introductions were out of the way, she returned her full attention to the pair. "Medusa is curious about the pack. She heard how...The Syndicate...came to be...but she also knows words can be twisted by those who fear." Yep. Happened plenty during her time in Habari all that time ago..."Medusa did not hear a challenge call~" Her gaze gleamed with a knowing eye, but she oh so wanted to hear it from them!


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: