
Binding Fate



The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-31-2024, 01:17 AM

"No, I haven't come to fight you." Well, that was a bit of a relief. Even if the man had come to fight him, Phantom would've fought back. He was small, but he had his advantages. Especially in the darkness. "Hm." He watches the man from the corner of his eye with interest. There is no wariness or fear in his stance or gaze. He's accustomed to usually being invisible. Flitting about from one shadow to the next and often evading capture. And the few times he had been caught? Let's just say his captures didn't last very long. He had made a game of it by now, only this time...he was up against a whole pack. One that had grown pretty big, pretty quick. He would be wise to bide his time, perhaps...

His...Host, called for someone to bring him food. Even telling him that this...Azoula...was the Sidi handler. Though the title was foreign to him, he knew what the position was. What it entailed in its entirety, he didn't know. And he didn't quite intend on finding out, either. Turning his attention away from the mushrooms for a brief moment as the man seated himself, Phantom decided he could give this man some of his attention. He was, after all, more cordial than the other one. Rhazien. "Phantom. Pleasure." He responded in turn.

Rhazien went on then, about Phantom's potentially hearing the rumors. Emphasizing the word savages, even. It brought a smirk to Phantom's lips, just the slightest hint of one. Before he questioned him why he came to their borders. The shadow male raised his head a little, tilting his head as he locked eyes with the larger male. "Yes, I've heard the rumors. I'm more or less aware of the packs reputation, and your...Sephiran, made the rumor true when he felt inclined to force me in here. Though truth be told, I had already planned on joining willingly, but hadn't gotten the chance to mention that part beforehand." He shrugged. Whatever had been up Sephiran's butt was no business of his. Perhaps it was ego. Perhaps it was just him upholding the reputation that had quickly spread throughout the land. Whatever the case, he was here now. "I've been a loner for most of my life. Bouncing around on my own, lurking from one rogue band to another in between. Yet none of them satisfied my curiosities...I've even let myself be caught by beasts similar to your own..."

His muzzle lifted in another smirk, a little bigger this time. "And yet, here I am. Caught once again for no reason other than morbid curiosity, and perhaps a glutton for punishment. Either way, I don't intend to stay in this position for long. I may not be as big or as strong as the lot I've seen around here, but I have my own ways of survival." He reached out and carefully picked a mushroom, gently toying with it in his paws. "Those who are no longer with us can attest to that."
