
Disarm you with a smile



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

3 Years
07-31-2024, 07:04 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2024, 07:31 AM by Valkeyrie. Edited 3 times in total.)
She walked along the unnatural structure, without much else on her mind. She listened to how her feet crunched on the dirt. Strategically placing attempting to place her paws on the ‘crunchiest’ parts. She was smiling to herself, an emotion she wouldn’t dare show around others. It seemed almost peaceful and serene.

She was studying the strange structure. It seemed almost too perfect, like it had been placed here on purpose. Natural structures did not have such straight grooves with predictable shapes, as she walked along the structure she glanced through the occasional hole. Studied how thin the rock seemed to be, well at least compered to rocks structures she had seen in the past.

The sound of crumbling jerked her out of her peaceful trance and she stopped suddenly. Her face falling into its ever familiar neutral expression and her head shooting up to search for the source of the sound.

When her eyes fell upon the source she almost chuckled to herself, if not for the years of carefully calculated calmness she probably would have. It was just a pup! A uniquely coloured little creature. She glanced around, searching for the little one’s guardian and her ears twitched in confusion. Back home the little ones were never left unattended. Where was this one’s keeper?

She approached to a safe distance and cleared her throat, attempting the get the fiery creature’s attention, ”What on earth are you doing here unattended?” Her voice had instinctively fallen into a calm but authoritative tone. Perhaps it had come from the times when she herself had been a keeper of pups back home. Caring for the little one was not a job she enjoyed, but it was one she took seriously.

*Added for Na points

Navigator – Explored a new land (The Wall) - 1/3
Intellect – Met someone new (Araxina) – 1/3