
Away where I can pretend I'm alright




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-31-2024, 08:37 PM

Acere stirred at her voice, focusing on her and sighing when he realized that she was hungry. He wasn’t upset, if anything he had likely figured this would happen. The woman was set in her ways, stubborn as all get out. She would have asked for Ears and Whiskers to help her hunt but she had them lag behind to let Haydee know she had gone North. As much as Bellamy wanted to distance herself from what had become of the pack and their relations with the Raiders, she knew that realistically it would continue to trouble them all. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to believe she had left because of her. Bellamy didn’t want to make things worse and, reactive as she was, she knew she would defend Polaris tooth and nail even in their wrongs.

And she could not give Haydee up to the Raiders either. Haydee was young, naive, and though lines had been crossed Bellamy shuddered at the thought of more of her pup’s blood being spilled than had been already. As much as she wanted to, Gilgamesh had made it clear it was not her crime to bear the punishment of. At least not alone. She had no doubt that one day they would return to the borders of the pack. Would Bellamy be brave enough at that point to come back to Polaris for her family? Or would she live out her remaining days as a coward, on the run from everything… including herself?

Her trailing mind is brought back by Ace, who comments that their nest is cozy enough, and Bellamy smiles at that. Even with all that has happened, she feels genuinely happy to be with him. His touch, even if it is not the same as that of a living bean, has provided her with more comfort than she had realized she needed. His mention of her needing to eat makes her frown some, however. “Probably…” A soft sigh escaped her lips. She really didn’t want to lift herself from the blankets, but the longer she went without food the worse it would be.

“You know… It’s nice being back here in the north.” She rose, stretching her front paws forward with her rump in the air. “It feels like home, quiet and cozy… maybe I needed a little vacation from pack life.” Though she was making light of the situation, she was happier here. This was home… although the scent of a pack lingered dangerously close in a territory that had once been part of Winterfell. Bellamy turned her green gaze to Acere, arching a brow as she rumbled. “If you know where we can find some nets, I’ll have you lead the way. My memory of this place is a bit fuzzy… haha, maybe I’m getting old, eh?” She teased. She still remembered the ship, but she’d take an excuse to follow after the dire male.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.