
Dunamis adopts




Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
08-02-2024, 04:59 AM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2024, 05:19 AM by Identification. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Atticus Dunamis
Gender: Male

Appearance: (fixing slightly)
Now this masculine has more female like features his coat is always clean, don't get him wrong his is a firm believer in good looks, his eyes would be the first to strike conversation. A coat of white to match that of Erebos's ebony coat with a patch from his chin covering his eye ever so elegantly. His right eye is the same icy blue while the other is that of a rich purple pigment. Upon his chest is also a splash of raven color that flows down over his left leg. He stands at a striking 38 inches and is that of a more lean but average build, although his thick coat hides that. He appears to be much larger and well lets admit it very nicely put together.

Smart | Egotistical | Elegant | Passionate | Selfish | Stern | Reserved | Quiet | Observant | Elusive | Proper | Independent | Loyal | Dominant | Hot-Headed

Now to start this off. Atticus is very loyal to those he shares blood with, no matter how much he believes them all to be pains in the asses. He is the more elusive and reserved one out of the group. Being also highly passionate in his believes could cause him to become stern when another would try to distract him from task at hand.

Just like his siblings there are times he can become hot-headed and dominant even with them, not afraid to tell any of them when they've fucked up. Although he carries himself with higher standards, although always there with his family needs him he's very independent, and yes he does enjoy his own space and time.

To say this brute carries himself with a elegant and proper demenour is a understatement. Always egotistical, making sure his coat is always cleaned and Atticus is always looking his best. But that's who he is and no one not even his family can change that.

He can also become very selfish and passionate at times, because like the males in his family what is his, is his. And only his.

RP Sample:
-working on it lovely.

Future plots and ideas for them:
He isn't honestly interested in romance, but wants his bloodline to survive as any male. He may or may not settle down, allowing another to see his side he keeps hidden from his family.