
clouds rolling in




Master Intellectual (240)

Intermediate Fighter (45)


1 Year

Pride - Polysexual
08-03-2024, 02:51 AM

Illusion's eyes danced with dark amusement and a hint of madness as she absorbed his words, the proposal lingering like a tempting curse. Her lips twisted into a sly, almost sinister smile, savoring the electric tension crackling between them. "Twisted, am I?" She murmured, her voice a mocking purr. "From someone harboring such monstrous desires, that's practically a compliment."

Her tail flicked with rising excitement, the subtle movement betraying the storm brewing within her. She remained still, unflinching, as he circled her like a predator sizing up its prey. His gaze traced every curve of her body, but she met it with an almost daring invitation, her posture defiant and unyielding. Her tail swished in the air, her curvaceous hips swaying in tune with her amusement. Each tilt of her head, every slight adjustment in her stance, was calculated to entice and confuse. "I'd love to peel your skin back," The slate girl purred, her tone laced with a perverse, immoral curiosity, "To see the horrors you hide underneath."

As he leaned in to whisper his challenge, her breath caught, not from fear but from the intoxicating thrill of danger. His words fanned the flames of her obsession with the heat she felt from his gaze in her core. She shifted slightly, drawing attention to the graceful lines of her neck with a crane of her skull, a subtle invitation veiled in the guise of vulnerability. "First blood…?" She echoed, her voice dripping with a twisted anticipation. "I adore the sound of that."

Her silver eyes locked onto his cobalt ones, fierce and unblinking. With a seemingly innocent brush of her paw against his, she masked the cold calculation behind her touch. "But make no mistake. I have no intention of losing. When I win, it won't just be my throat that's intact. It'll be my pride, my victory, and the delicious sight of your regret. Can you handle that, Strymir?"

Illusion leaned closer, her lips brushing against his ear, her breath warm and seductive in its own right. Though she does not fully understand the consequences of it all. The soft brush of her fur against his was a deceptive caress, hiding the venom of her words. "I'll make you bleed." She whispered, her tone a dark promise. Stepping back, she poised herself with a wicked grin, eyes alight with a sinister determination. The game was on, and she would savor every moment of the twisted dance to come. “I’ll make you kneel.” She wanted him to keep his eyes on her, to keep that same hate and frustrated gleam in his storm eyes.

"Illusion Nightwing"

Illu lacks general emotions, be warned her brain isn't wired right.