
Two hearts are better than one


12-16-2013, 01:48 PM

Ares and Devya

Ever since Taurig had accepted Ares, she had not spent much time with the pale wolf. She missed his company, their private meetings. But then Taurig had gotten attacked and they had moved to an island. So much had happened, her world had been turned upside down. And now she wished to be by his side again. The dark girl wandered the beach of their new home, paws sinking into the sand, the chilly winter wind biting into there flesh.

Her crown would tilt back, a call wrapping around her. Where was Ares? She wanted to by his side. To feel his warmth. Ending her song, the girl would continue her walk, he would find her, she was certain of it. The wind continued its assault, whipping her pelt around, waves crashed on the beach, threatening to erase her steps.

So much had changed. Briefly she wondered what Taurig would do, the girl was unaware of his meeting with Isardis. She didn't doubt that her home would remain in tact and that Ares would remain by her side. Her feelings for the brute had only grown, had amplified. Turning away from the ocean, the girl headed back towards privacy and protection of the forest. Finding a spot nestled in the trees, the dark girl settled into the wait.