
If you wanna get out alive




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-03-2024, 06:27 PM

Everything had gone from bad to worse before Beauregard had the chance to wrap his head around what was going on. First Norad, Tan and the others getting sick, and now… this.

How long had he been here in this cage, Beauregard wondered? His blue gaze shifted to the sturdy wooden structure and blew a snort through his nose. It had been some time at the very least. His trip to accompany Lucette had only meant to be a formality, at most to chase away ballsy predators that might prey upon her tiny size. He hadn’t expected those predators to be wolves, nor for them to come in such numbers. At first he had expected retaliation for the back and forth battles between Ethne and Raider’s Hollow… but these wolves were different. Unaffiliated. And that had made them even more dangerous.

Wanting to protect Lucette, Beauregard sprang into action. The Kedieo woman was smaller than he was and more delicate, a higher risk than himself. But he understated the strength of his enemies… and their numbers. It didn't take long for them to subdue him, a horrific cracking of bone and a scream of pain still vividly playing in his mind. The pain lingered now, not that he had received any treatment for the injury. A heavy sigh passed Beau’s lips. What had he managed to protect…? Thankfully his children hadn’t been present, but now he and Lucy were slaves… and she had only been caught because they had threatened him. Damn it all…

Minutes ticked by, Beauregard’s focus on the part of the cage that kept him prisoner. But then all of a sudden things became more lively. Snarls, curses, and shouting could be heard as someone dared to cross into the camp who wasn’t welcome. Beauregard shifted, ears perked as his blue gaze narrowed. Rescuers, perhaps? Had someone from Polaris figured out where they were? He rose, waiting, hoping, eager to break free and aid them. But unless he was released from the cage that wasn’t going to happen. His tail lashed back and forth, gaze narrowing as he waited.

Until at last it was his turn to be freed.

Beauregard burst forth from the cage as a familiar bird from the pack’s territory pulled the mechanism that opened it. He went straight for the sounds of the fighting, ignoring those who were rushing past him in a scramble for freedom. Beauregard bristled, soon seeing Bae-Syl and his companion bloodied, as well as Lucy free being put down by one of the damned bastards that had kept them. Even on three legs Beauregard carried himself towards the male with parted jaws, a snarl as he slammed into him and clamped his fangs down on the other male’s muzzle.

They went crashing to the ground, pain flaring up from his leg as Beau grunted onto his opponent’s face. The other male was thrashing, trying to pull away, which only further irritated his injury. With the aid of adrenaline Beauregard held on and started to thrash his head back and forth, hoping to tear and rip into the other man’s flesh before he released him.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.