
Cross My Heart



03-11-2013, 08:16 PM

The girl fared no better than when the pack meeting had ended. She kept to herself. Perhaps she was taking the death of her mate and pups a bit harshly. Then again it was the way they had died that played over and over in her head. They traumatized her. She was a sweet thing. One that didn't like to harm others unless absolutely needed. She could still fight well. She just chose not to use her strength if she didn't have to.

The move had done little to ease her mental torment. Even though they were away from their old home, she was constantly reminded that she no longer had her three children or loving mate. She'd been told there were other fish in the sea. What if she didn't want those fish?

A howl brought her from her dark thoughts. Ears pricked forward and her head raised. Blue eyes peered out of her den with curiosity. She hadn't heard that voice since she was a child. Could it really be?

The mottled gray lass exited her den and then began to ran. All thoughts focused onto that one happy thought. Collision had finally returned to them. That or he was at least making a visit. Soon she could see his brown and gray form. He was much larger now. So much larger than she. His markings were much like hers and were the same as when they were kids.

A happy sparkle entered her eyes and a smile broke out upon her visage as she came upon him. She disregarded any thought of personal space and then continued to try and wrap her front legs around his neck in a hug if she let him. God she had missed him so much.

"Collision! I've missed you!" The girl exclaimed. It'd been years since their last encounter. They had so much to catch up on.
