
Is this a murder mystery?


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08-03-2024, 09:10 PM

The only thing to stop her pacing is the wall of Gilgamesh in front of her, the cold nose to her cheek tethering her back on the ground of the Ravine as she let out a shaky breath. She didn't need to speak before he was telling her what he knew, her shoulders dropping, though whether it was with the weight of the news or relief that they hadn't been forcibly removed was yet to be seen.

His suggestion to send news to the Hallows was sound, and she nodded, "I'll send Moo later today. Perhaps Dread went to the Armada to share news with his family there? Maybe we should send a bird that way too..." Just in case. He hadn't seemed the type to just abandon Deluge, then again, he hadn't been around since before the pups were born.

At least Scald had returned, although she was yet to catch up with her son. Having a plan in motion, steps to take, eased a little of her worry, for now. "You must be exhausted," She turned her worry onto her mate now, turning to make her way back to the treehouse, they could walk and talk, she wouldn't keep him from his rest. "I will catch up with Scald about his time away today and I will fill you in this evening." There was something about all the comings and goings that had her particularly on edge, though she couldn't quite put her paw on it.


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1. Is this a murder mystery? Cryer's Ravine 04:06 AM, 07-28-2024 12:55 PM, 10-02-2024