
Beneath the pines



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

Extra large
08-04-2024, 01:31 AM

Ravana felt a surge of exhilaration as she plunged into the chaos, driven by an unyielding hunger for carnage. She reveled in the crimson splatters, the symphony of agony and despair that surrounded her. Her fur stood on end, a dark cloak of primal energy enveloping her lithe form. Each movement was precise, her muscles coiling and uncoiling with an eerie elegance, the sinister dance of a predator in her element. She could sense the Sultan’s eyes on her, a silent approval that fueled her fervor. The universe may have deemed her unworthy by birthright, but she would carve her own path through the blood and bones of those who dared underestimate her.

A slash with claws, and snap with jaws. She continued her fight with the bobcat. Her form moved with youthful grace, each strike a calculated one of brutality. She relished the visceral connection to her prey, the tactile feedback of flesh yielding beneath her claws. Her tail lashed with excitement, and her ears were perked, capturing every whimper and hiss from the bobcat. Ravana's eyes, wild with morbid curiosity, never wavered from the suffering she inflicted, her heart pounding with dark satisfaction.

She knew she was different, a paradox of innocence and malevolence. Her lips curled into a sinister smile, revealing her dagger-like fangs glistening with fresh blood. She glimpsed Sephiran's pride in her actions, a rare and twisted bond forged in the crucible of violence. Ravana would not be constrained by tradition or gender; she would rise above, a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of blood and terror in her wake.

Every howl of pain, every drop of blood, was a testament to her power, a promise of the relentless dominion she would one day claim. She danced on the edge of madness, her father's silent approval a potent elixir that spurred her to greater heights of savagery. She desired to prove she had his blood. Ravana would not be denied her place in the annals of their clan's history, a… Sultana born of chaos and cruelty.

With a swift, calculated movement, Ravana circled the bobcat, her eyes locked onto its every twitch and tremble. The bobcat attempted to rise, its wounded side causing it to stumble and collapse back to the ground. Ravana's heart raced with a dark joy, her claws flexing as she prepared to strike again.

"Poor Thing." She taunted, her voice a chilling blend of sweetness and malice. "Did you think you stood a chance?"

She lunged forward, her claws sinking into the bobcat's other side, raking down with savage precision. The bobcat's yowl of pain was music to her ears, and she watched with morbid fascination as the blood flowed freely. The feline's attempts to retaliate were futile, its weakened state no match for Ravana's relentless assault. She danced around it, her movements fluid and brutalistic, a display of violence and indifference.

The bobcat, in a last-ditch effort, swiped at her, its claws grazing her beautiful cheek. Oh. Ravana hissed in response, feeling the sting of pain mixed with exhilaration. She welcomed it, embraced it, the sensation fueling her ferocity. She leaped onto the bobcat, pinning it down with her weight, her fangs bared in a triumphant snarl.

"You fuck." she whispered, her voice dripping with venom. "You waste."

With a final, brutal bite to the neck and twist, she ended the bobcat's suffering, its body going limp beneath her. Ravana stood over her fallen prey, her chest heaving with exertion, blood staining her fur. She glanced up at Sephiran, her eyes blazing with pride and defiance.

“Sultan. I have slain it for you, what will you make of it?” She declared, her voice carrying the promise. A harsh resolve.

"Ravana Seraphim Saxe"

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