
It's not usually like this

Bunni and Sin - Fighting Seasonal



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
08-04-2024, 01:33 AM

Meeting a headbutt, well, head on, was probably not the brightest idea Desponia had ever had but it had been a split second decision and as she felt her brain shake around in her skull (or that's what it felt like at least) she was kicking mentally into gear. For all her lack of affection for the little monsters there was one thing about Desponia that worked in their favor. Her pride. The last thing she would let anyone do was question her parenting, and as she caught movement out of the corner of her eye before she even picked out which of the girls it was she was shouting. "Stay back!" Wouldn't do to give her family ammunition to say she'd let one of her kids get fucking trampled to death.

Unfortunately it seemed her kids had other ideas. As she finally used her horns to push the ram's head off to the side she caught sight of bright neon streaking past her and then launching through the air. Right at the ram's face. It all seemed to be a blur. The woman glanced behind herself for a moment to assess where her other daughter was and nodded when she saw Inferna, it seemed, did not have a death wish.

Magdalene was falling from the ram's face, leaving gashes already starting to bead with blood. Desponia almost felt bad for the sheep, she knew well enough how sharp those little claws could be... Almost. But as it turned it's attention to the girl something deeper, more primal took over. She felt little personal attachment to her kids but there was an instinctual drive to protect her lineage that she otherwise never felt. With a growl ripping through her the woman put her head down and charged the sheep, sinking lower, and lower, until she could hook her own curling horns under its stomach and violently flip it over. She stepped in front of her daughter again, this time roughly pushing the girl back with a paw and stared down the stunned ram, who seemed to decide that fighting a mother guarding her pups was not in his best interest. Desponia stood stock still until the beast had snuck away out of view before rounding on her daughter. "What did I say?" Her tone was cold, voice low. Wouldn't do to be caught yelling at her kid, she would have rather waited until they were back at the privacy of her den but she had a lot of pent up aggression still.

WC: 422 (1500/1500 wooo!)


Art by yfjyrcnkirsgte
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. It's not usually like this Alias Island 04:19 PM, 07-21-2024 06:27 PM, 08-15-2024