
any day now




Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
08-05-2024, 03:07 AM

É r e b o s .

this wasn't his first rodeo-, sometimes things didn't pan out how he thought they would. but his resilience was awesome, as was his fortitude to withstand such unexpected setbacks. the Dunamis were coming and he had no time to waste in repairing the damage that was done today. sour he might've felt, if he were not Erebos Dunamis. but he had aspirations and plans. bigger than life it seemed as his mind swept through the many scenarios of how this would all settle later. his eyes were unchanging though-, sharp and piercing as he watched his ex wife with no show of emotional cues. serious as he usually was with a firm, stoic expression. his mind however, went faster than ever- bursting with new ideas and plans. looking for his next chapter at speeds anyone would be impressed at.
she chose her words then- watching her lips move as they spilt a poisonous tea out for him to remember. a threat it was-, a promise she delivered. his left ear flickered in result, fanning off his increasing irritation that was entirely suppressed & skillfully masked. he kept his head cool & mind clear. did not allow emotions to run as high as the women around him did. a fault, a weakness they shared: her and fic. and he could not understand it.
self preserving, he keep his dignity as he took a long pause. allowing the silence to solidify her words before him. and with a stern nod, he took it in. nothing more, nothing less as he replied with not a word. leaving it all up in the air for her to discern later. while she might've lost respect for him, he lost something that was irreplaceable.. & it was trust. often, widow was brazen & bold but he never imagined her to be so impulsive with such large threats. a personal slave? he clenched his jowls dangerously hard- containing his aggravation and primal urge to smite her existence just then. a bubbling resentment that he was able control, displaying a stronger force of character & code.
he would not ever aim to harm her, this woman who was just his wife a few moments ago. having too much admiration for her. too much respect for her. yes-, fic all over again. although widow would not give into her own faulty rage tonight. but he was now aware of her fragility. but was she aware of the subtle rift she created between them? a tinted image forever it would stay if she placed no effort towards restoring his trust in her. an apology he knew better than to wait on. widow did not seem to embrace the idea of accountability let alone being wrong in any facet. even Érebos was not so rigid.
he was not safe here then and he needed to get moving. needed to secure a safe haven for the Dunamis clan- and it was not here with the vindictive, hasty widow nightwing. not where his dignity was at risk and his trust was betrayed. she thus changed their entire dynamic and his offer would inevitably fade with it. she did not know the weight of her words- and how it began to internally effect Érebos who said nothing to halt her warnings.
he would remain still, watching her leave with a dispassionate gaze then. studying her and quickness of her abrupt leave- as if a small little girl ran away injured. it was clear he had done some form of emotional damage. the urge to comfort her flared & died as he held himself back in all ways- eager to allow their separation to solidify no matter his internal stress or emotional discontent with it. how could this night have gone so wrong?

"Talk" "Think"

table by scarlet, art by nelsa
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]

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1. any day now Wraith's Woods 03:40 AM, 07-29-2024 08:43 PM, 08-12-2024