
The Westerner [Practice Spar]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-16-2013, 06:04 PM
Sin Armada

The adrenaline pumped, coursing through his body as the fight ensued. He had succeeded in slamming himself into the other, however, the other one had made a counter move that Sin had very well predicted. The boy had launched himself forward as well, causing the pair to collide with each other only to give each other massive bruises that would very much hurt, but it was a small price for Sin to pay. His defenses remained set throughout his movements; Scruff bunched, eyes narrowed, jaws splayed, shoulders rolled forward for added neck protection, tail aligned with his spine, weight as evenly distributed as was possible, toes splayed, sharpened claws digging in for traction, the gouge marks appearing in the Earth below from his strange claws. His ears remained pinned to his head as well, and sensing the tenseness of his opponent, he too tensed his body to make his abdomen and a few muscles rigid, though not all for he needed certain parts of his body to remain fluid and relaxed.

The others paws had wrapped around his neck, and Sin watched the other attempt to go for the side of his neck, but not before he too could react. He shifted towards the smaller boy, using a tactic that he usually practiced within a fight. He wanted to keep him close, and so he rose slightly on hind paws, extending his right(I assume Sin's right foreleg is on Codeine's left, forgive me if that was not the right angle) foreleg to reach up and grip the side of the boy, snarling as he made an attempt to slice through the fur and attain a grip on the skin below. Sharpened claws flexing slightly with the motion. This move would then bring him on some leverage, bringing his shoulder upwards slightly and his entire shifting motion would create a new target for his opponent; all done in a matter of a just a couple seconds. He snarled when his adversaries teeth caught on his upper shoulder, instead of his neck as a whole, where he had attempted to grab. It was then, that Sin's shifting towards his opponent would attempt to come into play. His motions pressed towards the white males teeth, attempting to spread his jaws wider for a less effective bite. While Sin, began to create his own move.

As he brought his attempted plan into motion, he'd keep the weight on his legs as evenly spread as possible, while the right foreleg /attempted/ a grip that would keep him balanced.(if it succeeded). His own jaws sought out a mark, and what better mark then own opponents throat? Sure, Sin was bigger then the yearling, but he was tactful and always thought about every possible angle before striking. And although his opponent had gone for his neck; this put Sin at an angle for him to reach the vital part of this kid. With jaws wide open, gleaming canines dove towards his opponent, his own neck twisting at an angle to reach, his shoulder throbbing, the pain of the bite masked with adrenaline. He was sure that the kid's bite would leave unsightly marks just about an inch and a half or so deep, but it didn't bother him in the lease. Focusing on his attack now, Sin attempted to dig teeth into the males upper left side of his head, in the area behind his left ear and left side of his head. If he could attain a grip here, then he hoped to cause some pain to the kid and force him to let go. You best be careful kid, one wrong move and my teeth could potentially slip towards your face, if not rip away your ear. I'm in control here, and at this angle, I've got options. He thought to himself instead of voicing himself. Afterwards, perhaps he would give some advice.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/3

Defenses: Scruff bunched, eyes narrowed, jaws splayed, shoulders rolled forward for added neck protection, tail aligned with his spine, weight as evenly distributed as was possible, toes splayed, sharpened claws digging in for traction, ears pinned, abdomen tense and rigid as well as his shoulder area, some other muscles remaining relaxed and fluid for ease of movement, ie. legs, neck, etc. Shifts towards Codeine as he attempts to gain leverage on the side where the attempted attack is to connect, hoping to press into the jaws to make it harder to hold onto Sin. As he does this, he'd keep the weight on his legs as evenly spread as possible, while the right foreleg /attempted/ a grip that would keep him balanced.(if it succeeded).

Attacks: Aims an attempt to scratch and grip Codeine's left side(I assume the area of reach is just behind the elbow?) Sin attempted to dig teeth into the males upper left side of his head, in the area behind his left ear and left side of his head. If he could attain a grip here, then he hoped to cause some pain to the kid and force him to let go.

Injuries: inch and a half deep bite marks to his shoulder where Codeine attempted his bite.

Out Of Character Notes: I wasn't sure how to proceed with Sin's attempted bite to his leg since I'm not sure whether Codeine reacted to it? So I just left it out of my post...I am also not entirely sure if I got the angle of positioning right, as this post is being written as I am at work and rushing it. I apologize for any unclarity and such. Let me know if there are any questions, though I tried to be as clear as possible.