
I feel so untouched

Arrival and Reunion thread/Dunamis Siblings



Expert Fighter (235)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-05-2024, 02:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2024, 02:21 PM by ENYO. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Enyo moved with the practiced ease of one who had seen countless nights like this. A large and domineering ghost in the night, she moved silently. While she would typically be clad in silver armor, she decided it would be best to lighten her load and leave it behind back home. All she had was the Kopis sword sheathed across her back. The indigo sky was their only witness as they traversed the rugged terrain of Boreas, each step a testament to their unwavering resolve. Zephyros led with his determination, his thunderous gait a stark contrast to the quiet night. The urgency in his movements was palpable, and Enyo could feel the weight of the mission pressing heavily on them all. Érebos’s absence was more than a mere inconvenience, it was a potential fracture in their family’s stability, and the search had to be thorough. They needed to find him immediately.

Kronos's role as their navigator is crucial. Atticus’s behind them. His more relaxed approach, perched on a fallen tree stump, was a contrast to Zephyros’s relentless pace, but Enyo understood the value of his vigilance. As Zephyros’s bellow sliced through the night, Enyo’s ears flicked, acknowledging the command. His irritation was evident, but it was matched by the sense of urgency that coursed through their group. “Hurry. With you three, we could take all night,” Zephyros had said, his tone laced with frustration.

Enyo's own frustration simmered beneath the surface, but she kept it in check. The search was indeed grueling, and the hours they had already spent combing the land were starting to take their toll. She caught Atticus’s low growl and dismissive comment from the distance, a reminder of the strained patience within their ranks.

Atticus’s frustration was understandable, but it was also misplaced. They had a job to do, and while his words might reflect his mood, they did nothing to aid their cause. Enyo’s gaze shifted to him, her eyes meeting his with a blend of reproach and understanding. How did Nike fail to beat the whiny complaining out of this one? “We all share the same goal, Atticus. Complaining won’t speed up the search. We need to stay focused if we want to find Érebos.”, she stopped walking to stare at him, "So if I was you I would get off that log and follow." It wasn't a suggestion. As far as the group was concerned she was the current matriarch. Erebros' love life was unknown, while they were all certain he was bedding women... whether he had a wife or not was not so certain. Although she hoped he didn't, it would take away any equality she had to her brothers despite being their senior and often superior.

Enyo's voice was firm but carried a note of encouragement. Despite the tension, she knew that maintaining unity was crucial. They were a small family, but their strength lay in their ability to work together. She moved closer to Zephyr and asked, her voice low and steady. “Any signs or patterns that might lead us to Érebos? Perhaps I should send Foberos ahead. She knows that brute well and even his hawk." She nodded up to the peregrine falcon, silently flying above. Fearlessly the bird of prey flew despite owls. Should they try her, the bird knew to fly to her owner's shoulder. It was extremely frustrating just how little information they were given. Leave it to their parents to throw their children in the fire. No knowledge. Just a mission.

Enyo pressed on, her movements synchronized with those of her siblings. The land was vast and unforgiving, but they were determined to cover every inch. She knew the importance of their mission and the potential repercussions if they failed. Her role was to support, guide, and ensure that their efforts were not in vain. As they continued their search, Enyo’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but her focus remained on the task at hand. The family’s unity was their greatest asset, and she was determined to ensure that their collective strength would lead them to Érebos.

“Let’s keep pushing,” she said to her siblings, her voice carrying a sense of determination. “We’ve come this far, and we’re not giving up. We will find him.”




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated