


12-16-2013, 06:31 PM
Isabella found the south was a very good place to train. There was the river, a great place to swim against the currents and now the snow. The snow was deep here and the wind was strong, just the way the small fox colored female liked it. For once her ears were down, tucked to her head to not be frozen by the wind, her tail was still high though as was her head. She moved almost like a fox, jumping though the snow letting her back legs propel her forward in a leap and her front legs break though the snow. As strong as her training would hopefully make her, it lead her to make a foolish mistake. She was so focused on training that she did not notice the scent of a pack boarder, and crossed right into pack lands.

She moved on aimlessly until she found two scents on the wind. Still getting to know the lay of the land, she hoped she could learn from whoever the scents belonged to. Following them she almost froze at what her icy blue eyes landed on, two pups. Two pups that had a similar scent, that of the land they were in. "Foolishness! Absolute foolishness! How could I not have known! This must be pack lands, and of course it is my luck to come across pups, and paraphrase deal with angry parents! But....perhaps if I am careful, perhaps I can find an escort out of the land rather than turning tail and running like a cowardly preything."

Her pride and strength would not let her leave like that so carefully she approached the two pups. One small, male and russet with white, very vivid. The other female, brown with white markings. Carefully Isabella gave a small bark to let the pups know she was there. "Excuse me young ones, I am Isabella VentFlurrer, I seemed to have stumbled into your home. Can you tell me what pack you are in?" Her words were no warmer than when she spoke to others but they were a bit softer. If she could gauge the reaction of the pups perhaps she could find if this pack was hostile to strangers.