
Make a man out of you

Fighting lesson with Atreyu



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
08-05-2024, 08:24 PM
Alaric watched as Atreyu transitioned from standing still to a position of defense. He was quiet as he took it in, looking for any holes in the defense. A thing the young she wolf had forgotten or could improve upon. That's when he heard her companion, Bigs, barking than snorting towards his own companions. His gaze flickered over just in time to catch the scene and a small, amused, smirk graced his maws. His gaze flickered back to Atreyu. "Excuse my hounds." He told her, flicking his tail. "They do not fight with honor because there is no honor in survival. There is only survive or be killed." He explained to her, his sentence ending in a hum as he began to circle Atreyu. He was sizing her up, looking at her defenses. "So far so good..." He rumbled lowly. "Except one thing," He paused briefly. "Narrow your eyes slightly. Keep them ready in case any dirt or debris is thrown towards you in a distraction. Also, don't make your stance too wide. If you are too wide, you're off balance and at risk for over extended your limbs. You need it lined up perfectly to achieve the right mix of balance and defense. A general rule of thumb is to make your paws as wide as your shoulders, keeping them wide enough for better stability but not too wide." He told her, letting it all sink in. He stopped circling the young she wolf, now landing in front of her. "Are you ready to work on offense?" Finally, the true lesson. He would show her a move to use in a fight.

Maul and Cinder would tilt their heads slightly as they watched Bigs refuse the knowledge given to him. Cinder would shrug his shoulders indifferently while Maul snorted back and shook his head. Maul let the topic go it seemed. Now Maul straightened his posture and motioned Bigs to watch. Suddenly, the black cane corso had tackled the grey, lighter, Cinder to the ground. Cinder wiggled and struggled underneath the male but ultimately settled, accepting his position. Maul used a paw to point to Cinder than Bigs. He was trying to tell the little dog that Cinder was Bigs in the scenario. They were playing out a situation as if the little dog had been pinned. Maul waited until the little canine understood what he was trying to say. He looked at Cinder and barked, nodding his head. He placed his paws on Cinder's chest dominantly. Cinder would be calm and patience, making sure Bigs was watching before he would show Bigs a way to escape such a pin.

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1. Make a man out of you Aspen Dam 07:38 PM, 07-11-2024 11:35 PM, 09-10-2024