
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]



12-16-2013, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 08:49 PM by Song.)

Ameiva would leave and Song would make a note of finding her later. Something about her made her stop and wonder, but as her tears rolled down her face a friendly voice would make its way to her ears. Howl would dry the wet from her cheeks as she was reminded of the day she cried for him. She would not be bitter toward her sister, she could not harbor those feelings of being left and abandoned she would only try to see it as another opportunity. Symphony would go to different lands and learn more of what she needed to know to make Anthem better. She would sniffle and nod as she let herself agree with Howl. "He's right Symphony, I'm sorry I was so upset with you." She would look down ashamedly as her bicolored gaze would look upon her tiny frame. "You will always be welcome here, just make sure he's worth leaving for."

She would then become overjoyed as Howls attention became focused upon her once more. An apology would fall from his lips and her own ears would fall back as she humbled herself. "Of course I accept Howl, I'm so glad to be a part of your life again!" She would leap forward an muzzle him excitedly as her heart swelled with the excitement of having her brother back in her arms. "And you too Legend." she would say from beneath their brothers fur. She would quickly remember she was in a meeting and would let her focus once again fall on the members of the pack.

Siarvon, Auroras friend, would find his way to her, she would smile at him as he announced his intention to stay. "You are absolutely welcome here, for as long as you wish to stay. You will be an apprentice in the art of self defense. Jupiter has gone missing, Cherokee and I will be taking her place." she would say this sadly to the wolves who had gathered Novella, Magnus, Anthem, and Aurora. With a quick nuzzle placed on her brother and sister she would nuzzle Aurora and give her a rank. "Aurora, I want you to be A Philosopher, take up the lead huntress position and help me to teach our family." Her first high rank to be given out, of course it had to be for her best friend. Canta would come trotting ups after she nuzzled Novella, the Oracles eye would light up at the sight of her beautiful daughter and gently nuzzle her cheek as she pushed into the pale woman.?

She would step back then and take note of who was going to stay and honor the will of the gods. A swelling of pride would rise in her chest as she felt love towards all of them. "You may not have known," she would address them all, "But very recently I fell ill, the resulting sickness gave way to vivid dreams and visions. The gods came to me, they told me a day where I would take up leadership was coming and to ready myself. So today I come to you, as The Oracle, the voice of the divine."
