
Disarm you with a smile



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

3 Years
08-06-2024, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2024, 07:32 AM by Valkeyrie. Edited 4 times in total.)
A gentle growl rumbled through Valkeyrie’s throat, her eyes glancing at the sky as various winged creatures circled above the youngster. Most likely planning on making a meal of the little creature. The fact that the pup at simply shrugged at her inspired a sort of anger at the disrespect that she was not prepared to tolerate, but she would deal with it in a gentle manner. After all children were partial to disrespect. It was how they tested boundaries, how they learnt what was right and what was wrong.

She leapt down from her position to stand next to the youngling, hoping her adult size would scare off the birds that seemed to be intent on making the creature their lunch. If the little one was going to ignore her question then she too would ignore the little one. Her body returning to a neutral expression as she stood close to the child as a protector. She would remain with the youngster until someone came to attend to her. She was sure a parent or caregiver would come looking for the little one in time. After all her scent did give away that she belonged to someone.

As she had leapt, she landed on the wet and soggy ground, the mud soaking in between her toes. She glanced around, it was clear the land was in early spring. Small mounds of snow hid from the coming heat close to the base of the wall. She was sure the wet ground came from the mounds of snow that had not been lucky enough to hid from the sun. The overnight temperatures were still below freezing, a fact that had most likely kept the snow present for so long.

*Added for Nav points

Navigator – Explored a new land (The Wall) - 2/3
Intellect – Met someone new (Araxina) – 2/3