
Scarred meets Scarred


12-16-2013, 06:39 PM

Or so hideous

Flames. A kindred spirit indeed. But would they make him cry? He doubted such a thing, having braced the fire himself not too long ago. Still. To face such horrors as a pup must have been distressing. "I do doubt that they would make me shed tears. Although, I cannot imagine seeing such ravage through the eyes of a pup. I was fully matured when the embers came for me. Matured, and no stranger to the horrors of life." He said quietly. "Although...That's all the better to remember it." The pain of the fire still coursed through his veins, seared into his memory, and corrupting his mind. Introductions were not his strong suit. Formalities constantly put aside for personal thoughts. She was no exception. Yes, she was burned, yes he had no doubt she felt pain. But a torn ear and missing tail was hardly a loss compared t his missing eye, ear and leg. Talking hurt him. His voice was raspy and unappealing to the ears, his eyes closed in pain at the slightest movement, and yet none of this compared to the loss of his mate. And yet, he felt relieved. If his cousin and lover had seen him in such a state she would be horrified. Now he wondered, if she would feel the same way. He stepped from the shadows, revealing his horrifying visage, head low to the ground as he waited for a terrified gasp.


table by boo, image by hun