
I feel so untouched

Arrival and Reunion thread/Dunamis Siblings



Master Fighter (265)

Novice Healer (20)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
08-06-2024, 05:42 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2024, 06:04 AM by Érebos. Edited 10 times in total.)

I am the conquerer, get out of my waY

he made his long journey from the west of boreas- coming to the land to collect items of value that he'd need for the relentless training he'd soon undergo. he sought a band soon, but he wouldn't leave the idea of a true pack being fought for. he needed to gain mastery of his skill set first. both in healing and in fighting.

the sky began to let up with dawn approaching. early morning taking place as he finally made his way half through the territory. packs were everywhere so he kept mindful of his direction. its then his erect ears catch the sound of washed out communication. distant still but he listened enough to hear where they came from. quickly, he lifted his snout towards the higher air currents, catching their scents by the many. plenty of brutes and a female but their colognes were particular. taking some moments to realize, his eyes momentarily widened as he gasped at the sudden news of his most anticipated arrival.

without second thought, Érebos charged towards the group- slowing down his gallop as he finally emerged from the thickets near the group's right. his eyes fixated on them all, as if gold presented themselves before him. he barked, tail wagging and rising like a banner above his back. ears flattened momentarily as he displayed excitement and eagerness. "how pleased i am to see you all!" he panted. a side of him no one saw but these wolves did. even still, his affection was missing. not coming to hug them or plaster kisses over their faces. rather he gave a smile and a tail wag. feeling whole before them all, if not proud.

standing tall, he watched them all with his piercing gaze. "and what of nike and father? how is everyone there?" he wanted to familiarize with them once more. nearly a year separated, he missed them. suddenly he heard a cry from his hawk above, causing his head to lift as he glanced up for only a moment. Érebos's male hawk 'Bast' cried in excitement from seeing Foberos, Enyo's larger falcon companion. looking back down with an easy gaze, Érebos began to speak again. "there is much to catch up on. i know you all must be weary form travel, but let us rest only when we are in safer grounds. bears are abundant in these parts and packs surround us." he spoke with deep, baritone vocals. Then adding, "welcome to boreas." he left them no time to disagree and set forth ahead of them. intending that they follow his lead as he began to take them to insomnia. enforcing that they press on, no matter their tiresome states. the family needed immediate containment and protection from other packs and predators. finding them all so soon, he would not let them be without a home any longer. their journey would be only a day or two, given that they had very little stops. he had faith in their staminas-, even Enyo's.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
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