
Songs of Prosperity


12-16-2013, 10:54 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The alabaster princess sought out her friend, curious to see how life as an Alphess was treating her and her family. As well, the dame wanted to thank her friend, while the back of her mind was also going to be checking to make sure she was better, the horrid sickness that had tormented the pearl femme had apparently had some... Adverse effects. Moonstone orbs scanned the den site of Song, finding no one, so the giantess wandered off to follow the older scents in search of the smaller woman. It had been a while since the two of them had had a conversation alone, and they were well past due for another. Broad paws struck the terra with minimal noise, verdant grasses crushed softly underfoot. The freshest scent led to the edge of the mangrove, where the strong smells of the swampy landscape drowned out anything. A look of irritation with her weak skills led her to lift her delicate cranium to the air and inhale deeply. There. Long legs carried her swiftly over the roots, following the faint whiff of her best friend's scent. Then it was lost again, frustration setting in. Ethereal lyrics flowed from her regal maw, slipping from between formidable pearl razors. "Song, I surrender to your sneaking prowess, reveal yourself!" She called, silky smooth voice burred a little more by her Russian accent. Long ivory banner swung behind the she wolf as her liquid mercury pools scanned the shadows of the mangrove, searching between the trunks and roots to find her friend. Massive paw would shoot out from beneath the tall lass' willowy frame and swept in a broad semi circle across the swamp waters, letting the lights that resulted illuminate the area further. Where was that sneaky cream furred maiden?
