
Surprise, surprise

Seasonal Fight


Raiders Hollow

Novice Healer (15)

Intermediate Fighter (40)

08-07-2024, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2024, 01:01 PM by Sagittarius. Edited 1 time in total.)

Although she was young, she refused to let a pig intimidate her any longer. Just then, the unexpected sound of her older sister caught her off guard, prompting a small growl as a greeting. Her tail rose in a display of dominance, and she let out a few small snarls. With her piercing yellow eyes fixed on Calliope, she shot her a serious glare. "That pig really took me by surprise!" she snapped, her voice dripping with irritation. It didn’t help that she felt the need to impress her sister, especially since she was the eldest. Gaining that respect was important to her, no matter how foolish it might seem. "Just watch and learn," she declared, a hint of cockiness lacing her words, a budding confidence that would only grow with time. Yet, there was a reason for her bravado—after all, that hog had truly startled her.

Sagittarius wasn't one to back down, not when respect was at hand. Ears pinned against her cranium, as the hog turned to glare a angry look to Calliope, which did give Sagittarius a opening to hopefully scare off the angry herbivore. The crimson black stained girl launched from the stump. Claws catching the hide of the animal, she didn't want to kill it, but scare it away or make it loose interest by attacking more than once, or distracting it to the point it lost interest. The young she-wolf known this, as allowing her grasp to break free. Darting quickly with a yip as the pig charged at her once more. Sagittarius growled deeply, circling quickly and dodging it's attacks that could cause her to loose balance and determination. The pig wasn't old enough that it had tusks right yet, but still. She had to be careful of being stomped or a body part broken with it's own mouth.

She was always cautious, mindful of each step, as a misstep could cost her the battle of wills. Perhaps she was being overly careful, not wanting the slightly larger hog to gain the advantage. The young girl couldn't help but think of how proud her family would be, especially if she managed to avoid any injuries or harm. That would certainly be a bonus. Sagittarius growled at the foul-smelling creature and lunged at its face. The hog squealed in surprise and attempted to retaliate, but missed as Sagittarius quickly darted away, giving the hog a chance to catch up before she dashed off again, staying a few feet ahead. With her eyes sharp and ears perked, the ebony and red girl danced through the tall grass that tickled her paw pads, pausing whenever the hog fell too far behind.

Sagittarius Fallen
table coding by bunni ♥

Word Count: 896 of 1500

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1. Surprise, surprise Fern Gulley 12:06 PM, 08-05-2024 06:26 PM, 08-15-2024