
Medusa & Ignis kid readoptions!

2 available


08-08-2024, 04:57 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2024, 05:06 AM by Alo. Edited 4 times in total.)
OOC Name: Alo
Who are you applying for?: Mortem
Character name: Cyra Mortem
Design: Using the premade red design provided!
Appearance: Her base is a crimson red. Her fur is kept clean and is scented by her most fond incense: frankincense resin. This is to mask her natural rather masculine scent that excludes notes of wet dirt and blood. Creating a unique scent after she bathes herself with her favored resin. Cyra wears a distinct mask of white and stockings over her legs that create the reference of a skeleton. Darker fur saddles her back and dress over her legs, neck & face. Tip of her ears and tail are dipped with ink. Her eyes are a vibrant azure. On her own accord and standards, she deems herself beautiful.

Personality: She is primal at first glance-, her stance never truly relaxed as she walks with a vigilant gaze and guarded heart. The yearling is unpredictable at best, her whims changing and morphing. She embraces her odd nature, never fitting in and enjoying the solitude she experienced growing up. Cyra is comfortable in her own skin, appreciating her body and ways of being. Secure within herself, she moves freely through the world without the burden of caring what others think of her.

Very observant. She lacks motivation to keep up with trends and societal standards, preferring her simplicity of self. Cyra is blunt and precise. She is succinct and concise when speaking & expressing herself. Outspoken and doesn't understand passivity and social norms. Naturally, she distrusts others. However so, she is known to assist others who have treated her well. Not inherently bad or good, she just is. Authentic. Following her desires and rather rigid in nature, she can be self ruling. Cyra is unconventional all around. Amoral and impulsive. She has a temper if provoked too much. Can lash out and become aggressive at no predictable notice. She may of clung to her mother while she was mute. Proving to be shy and kept close to her wherever she went.

Alignment: True Neutral
Plotses? None yet comes to mind!
Any other fun stuff worth knowing?: Cyra means 'sun throne' and is fiery themed. Cyra has a fluency disorder that has not yet been labeled by her, or her close ones. The cause is unknown but she did speak awfully late (at about 7 months old). Cyra was completely mute before then.