
The bones that I broke

Open Spar



Advanced Fighter (115)

Novice Intellectual (20)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Pride - Nonbinary
08-08-2024, 07:00 AM

Their training had been going well, but for Seiko nothing was ever quite enough. They aspired to be like their father, maybe a bit too desperately - they would only feel as though they had achieved greatness once they could successfully best him in battle. That felt a long ways off still though.

Heading to the northwest of the bamboo maze to the land rumored to be home to many spars, Seiko only slowed once the flat wasteland stretched out in front of them. This place wasn't suitable as a home to anyone, except for maybe rodents; the young wolf watched as one skittered around their paws as they moved, deftly moving from behind one pile of rubble to another, parting sparse decayed vegetation on the way.

Seiko observed the critter with mild interest, wondering just what life would be like here.

The growl was faint, but audible across the wasteland. Intrigued, Seiko directed themselves toward it, noting the owls circling overhead... in the daylight? Interesting. Their own companion scampered along behind them, an antlered tabby cat who'd been roped into coming along. Seiko hadn't determined yet whether she'd be a good fighter or not, but they wanted to find out now rather than later. Herajika at the very least seemed loyal enough, happy to stick by Seiko's side since they'd claimed them so early in the cat's life.

The sound that echoed across the land hadn't been canine, so Seiko shouldn't have been surprised to see the pale lion standing before them, but still they didn't quite know how to take the sight. A respectful enough nod was offered as they drew closer, trying to silently assess their opponent. In particular their eyes were drawn to her large paws, knowing she'd need to be extra careful to avoid the sharp claws she no doubt possessed.

"Just looking for a regular spar? No serious injuries?" They'd ask for clarification before jumping right into things. That was the respectful way to initiate, after all.

Seiko slowed, Herajika coming up alongside them and puffing out her fur slightly to look bigger than she really was. Ready for whatever might happen, they made sure to lower their center of gravity slightly, shifting fluidly into a more defensive stance to show that they were ready to get started whenever the larger feline was.
Note: Seiko is biologically female, but they identify as nonbinary (they/them pronouns).
Their companion - a female tabby cat with antlers, named Herajika - is often hanging around.