
Medusa & Ignis kid readoptions!

2 available


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
08-08-2024, 07:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2024, 08:17 AM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 5 times in total.)

OOC Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Who are you applying for?: Ignis Mystery (Kebak)
Character name: Fiersome Wyrm Praetor
Biological sex: Male
Design: See above.

40" | Extra-Large | Heavy

Build: Fiersome is a respectable sized wolf. He stands forty inches tall and bears an extra-large frame. His torso is wide and his legs are short and thick, built for power. His facial features are pointed, giving him a handsome appearance. His fur is on the thicker side, most noticeable at his ruff, elbows, chest, belly, thighs, and the underside of his tail. He bears wide, rounded eyes and a thick nose. His body bears several scars across it and he has a short mohawk, mostly with the fringe of bangs, that falls over his head in a leftward lean.

Coat: Fiersome's base coat color is a bright and vibrant red that covers much of his form. He is a tricolor wolf though, with markings of white and black. His lower jaw, chest, belly, the underside of his tail and his front paws are white. His ears, face markings, tail tip, and back paws are black.

Mutations: Fiersome has a short red mohawk that builds on his neck and rises between his ears before falling in front of his face. The hair-like fur is longer on the left side giving the mohawk the appearance of long bangs. While the style is short, the thick locks rest over his head as an added defense against bites to the area.

Scars: Fiersome's thickest scar runs down his right hip where a decent chunk of flesh had been torn away. Below that scar on his right knee is a smaller one. A thick scar that rivals the one on his right hip can be found running down his right shoulder. Near that one is a thin scar on the right side of his chest. A larger scar can be found on the left side of his chest. There is a small scar on his left foreleg. There are a set of scars running from through his left eye and from the corner of that eye down his muzzle onto his chin. A scar also runs up the right side of his chin onto his muzzle.

Eyes: Fiery hues of red, orange, and yellow

Flesh: Deep red


Chaotic, Self Serving, Impulsive, Reckless, Reactive, Judgemental, Bull-Headed

He sees the benefit of a pack and working in numbers but doesn't hold a lot of respect for authority... especially for those in positions of power he is not allied with.

Wyrm: After surviving a predator attack, the trauma from the experience and his injuries has formed Wyrm. Wyrm presents as a young and submissive personality, with a more agreeable and sweet nature. They are innocent and are able to share Fiersome's headspace in harmony when he is not the dominant personality. Fiersome views Wyrm as if he is his little brother, insisting that they are their own entities. Fiersome can often be seen talking to himself, though he is talking to Wyrm.

Alignment: Chaotic something!

Plotses? Survivor of a predator attack, possibly part of where Draven was / why the boys were gone. This can expand to the other kiddo depending on how long it takes for me to get him up and running.

Any other fun stuff worth knowing?:

Skills -Fighting / Hunting
Defensive Accessory - Collar
Weapon - Handaxe
Name - Fiersome is the Elder Dragon of fire and destruction from the Rune Factory series.
Fighting Style - Tank attacks, smash opponents with brute strength

"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings