
It's familiar but not too familiar but not too not familiar




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
Extra large

Pride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
08-08-2024, 09:20 AM

Majima knew staring was often not considered polite and if nothing else he'd been taught decorum but there was something about the little wolf-dog that kept drawing his gaze back even while Bancha did better. He wasn't exactly a soft wolf, outwardly, but there was something endearing about the other young wolf that he found hard to ignore. The way his ears moved, or the earnestness that for a wolf of Majima's upbringing was nearly blinding. He wasn't sure he could ever be quite so easy to read.

"It is okay." Majima tried to assure Bancha. "I do not expect others to have fluency." Though his own lack of common language skills certainly felt like a glaring hole in his own skill set. Maybe he'd have to speak more with Jiro, his brother seemed to have grasped it quite quickly at least. At the mention of Bancha's father Majima's brows shifted downward ever so slightly. Mojito certainly did not seem to be a name from his own background but he also supposed it was possible that more than a few generations could have passed within the Satoru clan since coming to these lands. While he was technically only a second generation Hattori when it came to their family here he also wasn't so unaware of his older siblings to assume he may not have nieces or nephews with less traditional names. And honestly it was a fleeting thought, distracted as Majima was by the smaller boy's giggle. Which was admittedly, even for him, endearing. His face softened again, not quite a smile on his lips but he certainly wasn't looking unkindly at Bancha. It was about as close to an open smile he'd ever done around non-family.

"My family hails from a place far from here. It is where my Outou-san was born and so this is not his first language. We are not very open to outsiders and so the common tongue is not what I speak at home." Not that it was unheard of for it to be used, there were a few members of the pack, of the clan, who were not originally from their homeland, who did not speak their tongue natively. "But a few wolves from my pack are native to this land and speak the common tongue." Majima more than understood his father's isolationist view. Even having been here for only a few short hours he'd seen violence break out seemingly, to him, at random. Not to mention their traditions, and yes even language, could easily be lost if they were not careful who they let have access to them.

"I have not met many wolves outside my home and so was curious." He offered by way of explanation. "The customs here are strange to me." It was maybe a bit blunt. To be expected considering his upbringing really. Majima finally tore his eyes away from the wolf-dog and looked out at the pyre. Though not totally unfamiliar. He was not a stranger to the idea of burning the dead. Though everything that had come before and after certainly was unusual to him. "We often burn our honoured dead, though they are kept in spirit through shrines and familial burial sites." Offerings weren't unheard of, though they were often in the form of alcoholic drinks. Majima cast a glance back at Bancha, before turning his full attention back again as he spoke:

"I am curious of your take on the event." He watched the wolf-dog, curious. Was this common outside the bamboo or was there yet more for him to learn of outsiders?


Art by 1Lumbago3