
writhing, wriggly, glowing worms

Rannoch - nav seasonal



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
08-08-2024, 10:45 AM

Lumine is enraptured by the pile of worms that writhe on the ground. She knew worms existed, knew that you could find some while overturning dirt, but like this? Here? This was just odd! Her eyes widen more as another one appeared to glow ever so slightly. Even more peculiar! Lowering her head closer to the gathering lump of worms that seemed impatient attempting to wiggle back underground, she gives them a big sniff. Nope, they still smelled earthy and musty and all things wormy.

Her gaze moves around the darkened cavern, ears flicking backward toward a sound, but ignores it for now. She had to get an answer to why these were worms were here and why some of them glowed. Moving her nose closer to one of the glowing ones, she almost reaches to grab it when a deep voice behind her startles her. Standing up straight with the hair along her spine rising slightly, she turns to see a massive elk standing just beside her. Blinking quickly a few times up at him, she wonders how he had moved so quietly into the cavern unnoticed.

Taken by surprise, it is a moment before she can find the words to response. "Erm, worms," she says simply, turning her chin upward to get a better look at the beast of a creature beside her. Did they always get so large? Or was he special? No, save that for later! She had worms to investigate. "I found them here like this. Almost like someone... put them here?" Her voice is tentative as she turns to look back at the worms on the ground. "Do you see the glowing ones or is that just me?" Lumine questions softly, feeling almost a little crazy.

Lumine Trygg

table coding by bunni ♥

total wc: 1308

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1. writhing, wriggly, glowing worms Northern Mines 08:23 PM, 07-09-2024 06:28 PM, 08-15-2024