
As adults we will grow and maturity shows


12-17-2013, 10:26 AM

The bleeding body twisted itself to the wolf who approached it. A living one, with a fairly interesting coat, maybe not as interesting as his own. Standing to his all fours, the small bleeding cut was nothing major, it hardly stood out as well. The dead one tilted his head to one side, listening to the tongue the words and what they said. Fine royalty as he was, a deep purr grew in his throat, a non threatening wolf's version of one. Similar to a growl, in which once had been mistaken as something expressively threatening when it was the complete opposite, his voice of amusement. Paws dug into the snowy soil, as he straightened his head again, and gave a nod in response to the boys question of him being new here.
Why did the living flock to him so? Was he some sort of magnet now, at home when he first rose, everyone avoided him in fear. Perhaps it was because of the royal blood of his sister that had been pulled into the fray. The woman had torn out his heart, left him as a dead body, and much to its perks, it did had its downfalls as well. Tail flicking back and forth, he turned his head, listening, half paying attention to the boy in front of him, half not.
