
buzz, buzz, oooo it glows like me!



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Hunter (45)

Extra large
08-09-2024, 01:02 AM

Her pink ears perked up as she heard Maggie's joyful squeal, and she couldn't help but giggle again. Her sister was always so full of energy, and it made Inferna's spirit lift as well. Even though sometimes she liked to be quiet and think, playing with Mags was always fun and she preferred that over solitude any day.

When she heard the clatter of teeth, Inferna peeked from under her big paws, catching just a glimpse of Mags darting into the reeds. She waited, counting again in her head to give Maggie just a little more time to get situated, "4... 5... 6?" - but gave up quickly. This counting stuff was hard!

With a final giggle, Inferna jumped up, her curled tail swishing behind her. "Okay, Maggie! I'm coming now! I'm gonna fiiiind you!" she called out, singsonging to her sister with a mix of excitement and competitiveness. She sniffed the air, her slender muzzle lifted as she tried to catch her sister's scent. She found it quite easily and trotted toward the lake's edge where the tall reeds grew thickest.

Inferna padded through the reeds, her nose stopping every now and then to take in the scent of her sister on a blade. Her pale fur brushed away the scent of her sister and left her own as she followed in Maggie's wake. She stopped, tilting her head when she heard something - a giggle? Her pink eyes sparkled with mischief as she carefully followed the sound with the quietest steps she could muster.

Suddenly, she spotted a small opening in the reeds, just big enough for a pup like Mags to hide in. Inferna grinned, her tail wagging furiously now as she crept closer. "Oh, I think I fooouunnd you!!" she called out, her voice teasing as she still singsonged.

With a playful pounce, Inferna poked her head into the little den, her nose nearly touching Mags' as she peered inside. "Gotcha!" she declared, her eyes gleaming with triumph and excitement. "That was such a good hiding spot, but I still found you!" She hopped back and forth, clearly very proud of herself.
