
google don't question my search about deer behavior please



Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-17-2024, 07:02 PM

Something about the forest, especially right now, really was enchanting in its own right. The north sort of was always like that to her though. This was where she'd been born and raised, these lands were all she knew. These lands where only the strongest could survive, which could often feel quite desolate, but she could easily see the beauty where others might not. The forest was still, nearly silent save for the subtle noises that are easily picked out by the two wolves paying careful attention. Tethys is zeroed into the sound of the grazing deer, trying to dampen her own movements as they stalked forward. Their paws moved over the uneven terrain effortlessly, demonstrating just how familiar they both were with these lands.

Tethys took a slow, intentional breath, the frigid air filling her lungs and allowing her to further focus on the task at hand. Her orange eyes were fixated on the deer, slowly the rest of the herd fading away as the focus of their hunt comes into focus. A few of them were older, their health so clearly beginning to fail them. They'd all be suitable prey, but hunting wasn't just about finding a good target, but the best one. Weighing each of the older deer, she comes to the same silent conclusion as Wilder. One who stands just away from the others, without hardly any of the herd's attention.

She was the best target. It was a decision made in a matter of seconds, despite how many factors went into it. That fast-paced decision making was an integral part of hunts like this, and a challenge that Tethys enjoyed engaging in.

It wasn't even something they had to verbally discuss, they both just knew. Tethys tilted her head toward Wilder, a single ear flicking in his direction as he spoke softly. "It's a plan," she agreed. Go together, spook the others before they focused on their chosen prey.

They crept forward, quietly at first, and then all at once. Tethys allowed a small bit of distance from him but not much, keeping their bodies fairly close together still. She too kicks off hard and fast, letting out a threatening growl out of instinct as they shot forward. The younger deer seemed to scatter more quickly, the older one they were chasing falling behind - slowly at first, but surely. After a short chase Tethys was able to lunge forward, jaws snapping as she just barely snatched one of its hind legs, just above the hoof. She only held on for a split second, briefly rewarded with the taste of blood, before the deer found a brief surge of energy and sprung forward away from her.