
I need to learn what you know.



08-09-2024, 06:42 PM

The Knolls were eerily quiet in the aftermath of the battle, the once-vibrant land now subdued as most of the herd had been driven out. Uruk stood on one of the larger mounds, his gaze sweeping over the territory he had disturbed. The scent of blood still lingered in the air, a reminder of the brutal fight that had secured his place against his father. Those who had chosen to stay, the few brave enough to follow he and Asa, were scattered around the Knolls, silently going about their business. But, Uruk's mind was restless..

He had witnessed Asa's ferocity in battle - how she had dispatched enemies with precision and speed; her carefully aimed attacks kept her battles short, but with her triumphant. It had been a display of raw power and skill that even he, in his strength, had to admire. More than that, it had sparked a desire for him to learn, to hone his own abilities beyond sheer brute force. He needed to understand how to strike with the same deadly accuracy, the accuracy of a predator, to know where the vitals were and how to exploit them in battle.

Uruk's ghostly white hooves moved with a purpose as he turned his thick frame on the mound he stood on, seeking out the mare who had fought beside him. Whether she was near or far, he would find her.

The sight of her, with her tall antlers that reminded him of the way she bested her enemies, only solidified his resolve.

"Asa," he called, his voice carrying naturally the weight of command, but was laced with an underlying respect. He approached her, his expression serious, his ghostly white eyes examining her closely as he considered his request. Would his desire to learn make him appear weak to her? His muscles tensed at the thought, rippling beneath his thick gray hide and he lifted his head impressively tall.

"I need to learn what you know. How you fought. How you killed them so swiftly. How you knew where to hit. Teach me?" There was no hesitation in his request, no doubt in his voice. If Uruk was to be a Warchief, he knew there was more for him to learn; he was young, after all. And in Asa - should she agree, he had found the perfect mentor to sharpen his skills and prepare him for what was to come.

[ 1/3 Received a fighting lesson from another character (Asa) ]
[ 1/3 Explored a new land (Buffalo Knolls) ]
