
I need to learn what you know.




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
Large species
08-10-2024, 12:07 AM

Asa moved along the Knoll, velveteen lips cropping at the cool, sweet grass of spring. There was an easiness in the mare that formerly hadn't been there. She'd always felt on edge with Khargol at the head of the herd. His distaste for her and her brutish ways, as he so delightfully called them, forced the spotted mare to be an outlier. Now that she had aided in overthrowing the bastard, Asa ate the juiciest grass from the best hills. That was her right.

Snow tipped ears flicked upwards at the sound of approaching hooves. The mare's head lifted, eyes of fire fixing upon the massive form of Uruk as he drew near. She gave a friendly flick of the tail, a quiet nicker emanating from her. They'd formed a bond during their coup. She was still feeling the young stallion out, but he had killed beside her twice now and that meant something to the antlered woman.

Uruk's voice was tinged with authority and Asa's blazing gaze narrowed. It would do him well to not get too big of a head too quickly. She hadn't let his father cow her and she wouldn't let him do so either. He then moved on to compliment her fighting style and the woman's ego was soothed for now. The young man asked her to teach him and a soft scoff of amusement left the mare's nares.

Tipping her skull, she beckoned for him to follow. The corpses of the slain horses lay at the edge of the plain, a reminder of what their passive natures had brought upon them. She pointed to the draft with the busted skull. Already insects were amassing within. "Heads are soft. Bring your enemy down, give them a little stomp. Done."

Next she moved to the stallion with the punctured abdomen. It still stank of putrid bowel gasses. "Bellies are soft. Horses rear up. Take advantage when you can with that big horn of yours." Asa tinked one antler against Uruk's horn. "You have this. Use it."

Asa then moved away from the stinking pile of dead flesh, assuming that Uruk would follow. "It takes practice and an intense awareness of your surroundings. You need to feel at home in your own body and know what it's capable of." Perhaps it all sounded cryptic, but that was truly how she thought of it.
