
No room for Nightmares



Judilian Band

Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
08-10-2024, 08:44 AM
There were so many emotions boiling within Atreyu, but at the forefront was joy. Her brother was alive! She wasn't alone anymore! Maybe her sleep had been taken from her for this very reason, Kiska must have known he was close to her. Making a mental note to thank their mother-deity later, Atreyu reveled in the fact that her brother was here and corporeal. Atreyu listened closely to her brother's rich voice as he answered her questions. Azriel was alive, there were two other survivors! That was so much better than no survivors! Atreyu looked over the fact that he had not seen anyone else. She had not seen hide nor hair of any of them in almost a year since the horrific genocide. Atreyu had begun to believe she was the only survivor of her entire family and pack. It was such a relief to know they had both survived!

"Oath, I don't think any of us made it out unscathed. We all have changed, I'm sure. I know I have..." She had grown more mistrustful than she once was, though she hid the fact out of respect for others. No need to make waves, not after what she had been through. What they had witnessed and experienced would have changed anyone, no doubt it had left a scar on all of them. There were ways to heal those wounds, but the scars would remain forever, whether visible or otherwise. "There will be no more running, I can promise you that. We only ran to live another day, so we can grow stronger." She would never let Judila be so weak again, so trusting of others. Blinking a tear from her eye just as he reached up to wipe them away, Atreyu gave a reassuring smile to her brother. "We will find them." Her confidence had been bolstered by his presence, they would find their missing pieces.

Atreyu pressed her forehead to his, her scarred ear sliding back on her head as she closed her eyes. She made sure to stay alert after the run in with the cougar while she cooked for Ellara. "You may have some idea about how much I've missed you then. I don't ever want to be parted again, not ever." A little bit of the childish pup in her came out, not wanting to leave her brother for any length of time after just finding him. "Judila asmakam madhyamen jivati." She agreed, her emotions so thick she could hardly remember the common words in English. She stayed quiet for a bit after that, simply soaking in the moment and breathing her brother in. His presence was a beacon of hope for her, as was the news that Azriel lived. Who else had made it through the horror? She hoped none of them had been seriously injured, they couldn't go back to get their revenge. There were too many of those twisted demons for the few Morningstars and Judilians left.

"Talk." (hover for translation) || Think || 'Hear.'
code by bird, art by alo

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.