Asahi was actually having less luck than the others finding the yarrow. What was usually so easy to find and abundant wherever you went, it was strangely underabundant here in the lush garden full of herbs and weeds and overgrowth.
Ahah! There! A single stalk of yarrow stood against the backdrop of some lady's lace, clover, and plantain. She didn't immediately pick it, instead, she looked around it to see why this was the only one there. As she observed the turned soil, bent feathered leaves, and closely snipped stalks she figured out that someone had already been here and perhaps gotten a little greedy, leaving just one single yarrow stalk in this stand. Hmmm no good, extremely disrespectful of the land and its bounty. She'll leave this one and try to find another stand of yarrow.
She found another smattering of snipped yarrow stalks and a paltry amount of feathery leaves scattered over the ground. She carefully picked up the already discarded leaves, for fertilizer, it would be fine, but for consumable medicine, this was a tragedy. She hoped the plants would make it through the winter and sprout back up.
Speech // thought // Japanese