
it's all going to be okay




Master Intellectual (265)

Expert Navigator (230)

1 Year

08-10-2024, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2024, 12:39 PM by Gem. Edited 1 time in total.)

To say Gem was surprised at the stallion's offer would an understatement. The fact that he was offering to give both her and Hem a ride over to the cluster of islands had made her eyes go wide with surprise. Surely he was not so kind... He had not behaved in such a manner thus far. She would have believed him to be a man who'd allow her to struggle, but here she was carefully perched upon his broad shoulders as they made their way across the calm waters. With hardly a breeze to quell the stiff warmth of Spring, it allowed for passage to the archipelago to be easy and quick.

When Uruk begins to emerge onto the shore of an island, Gem and Hem hurriedly slide down from the slick sides of the horse onto the softer and deeper sands. It was a different sort of sand here. Her paws sunk faster and there were hardly any shells here to pick up and stash away. Looking up to the palms that rose above the surface of the island, she hops and jumps her way up the shore and away from the water. "You are a fantastic swimmer," Gem compliments, her now soggy tail wagging a few times as she begins to inspect the beach around her.

It's then that she sees something white sticking up from the lighter colored sands. A decaying carcass whose ribs are jutting up from weathered fur and skin. The thin bones of the bird would be perfect for sewing! Gem gasps excitedly as she carefully begins to dig out the carcass from its prison in the sand. "This will be perfect," she says quietly to herself.

Gem Klein

1/3 explore new land - dove island archipelago
1/3 collect an item not related to another skill - bird rib bones for needles

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.

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1. it's all going to be okay Dove Island Archipelago 12:38 PM, 08-10-2024 06:29 PM, 08-15-2024