
How to Get Back Up

Fighting Lesson

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
08-10-2024, 09:00 PM

Eltrys’ explanation had been along the lines of what Gavroche had meant. The winged male didn’t want to ever have to fight dishonorably, and certainly didn’t have the stomach to lord it over his opponents… hell, he was still trying to make sense of the conflict between their pack and the Raiders. His mind flicked to the male he had encountered. He had acted honorably, hadn't he? He hadn’t attacked a younger and smaller opponent, and had tried to reason with him. Gavroche thought about him more than a few times. There was something about the man that had the winged male wondering about other packs, and the mindsets of others.

There was always more to a situation than what was on the surface. And he could see how their answers could seem one sided. But each of them spoke from their own personal experiences… and he supposed that was the point of the lesson… You fought honorably unless you needed to survive or help others survive. His gaze shifted to Trixy and then back to Eltrys. He felt like nothing more needed to be said, but he did give a nod of his head to show that he had understood. These words were something he’d have to put into practice the next time he sought an opponent to work on his skills.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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