
It's a nice day for a... ghost wedding



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
08-11-2024, 01:07 AM

Recluse could feel some of her old fighting spirit come back with each visit from Sparrow and she gave her fiancé a smirk. ”Wanna bet?” There wasn't a way to actually measure it if course but she'd not stand a single moment for Sparrow not thinking Recluse loved her with her whole being, what was left of it at least.

But her attention was quickly pulled too... Recluse felt her heart stutter. Her boy! Recluse watched Enki approach, almost shocked he'd shown. Eagerly stepping towards him. Letting herself smile so openly at his affection and practically throwing herself into his hug. ”I missed you, my baby is all grown up!” He'd grown so much!  As Enki stepped back she looked at him, pride clear on her face. And she wasn't crying... Yet, though her eyes glistened.

Recluse stepped back to stand beside Sparrow, letting herself lean in towards the woman. She'd honed in on her son so much she'd failed to see the other wolves with him. And as she saw them... A lump formed in her throat. No mistaking the other boy, she'd know that skull marking anywhere... But vengeance was so far from her mind at this point, and more importantly... The girls. Two children's the bigger clearly excited to be there while the smaller... Well it'd have been hard to miss the resemblance, though there was something about the way she stared up at her that made Recluse... Uneasy. But Enki was introducing all three. Grandchildren... She had grandchildren. The bigger girl, Coho launched herself forward and Recluse lowered herself to meet her grandchild. She was admittedly worried that Enki had brought Ghoul's children... What had happened to her son that he couldn't bring his own children... But later. ”That depends, ask your uncle about the instructions he got, if you follow them you can come back here if you want. I do have to stay here yes.” Recluse couldn't help but chuckle. Then she looked at the other boy, the one her son had called Tazzy, despite the animosity she ought to have felt there wasn't a sign of it on her face. ”I'm glad Enki found someone, he seems very happy. Take care of him in my stead.” It was her blessing. The group was pulled away though as they were not the only ones to have arrived at this point.

Recluse glanced up at Sparrow. Okay maybe she was crying a tiny bit. A grandmother! But they were tears of joy and they did not linger for long. She turned her attention towards the other guests as they drifted in. A maned wolf she'd never met but clearly was friends with Sparrow had already approached and Recluse gave her a smile, nodding and muttering her thanks in response to the congratulations.

Next is a spotted boy, who if it weren't for his words she'd have never expected was Sparrow's own son. Her brows lifting as he spoke, suggesting the possibility of pups and despite herself Recluse laughed. ”Hello Calico Jack, I am Recluse and this makes me whatever you'd prefer to call me. I'm dead... I won't mind.” A bit of gallows humor maybe but she tossed the boy a wink and chuckled at his parting words.

Next came a more familiar face. Memories were hard still, and many wolves she'd met more in passing were hard to pinpoint but she at least recognized Pyralis as she approached. She watched on impressed as the woman summoned... Drinks... Recluse wondered if she could do that. She felt comparatively less powerful here. ”Real or imagined... I'm not complaining. I'm getting a wife out it.” A quick teasing response to Sparrow. In truth Recluse wasn't sure she knew either, knew only she felt like she was real...

Then another wolf she'd probably seen around when she'd been sheltering on pirate lands and she let Sparrow handle him and sticking her tongue out playfully at her fiancé in response both to her words and her actions.

And then... Ah. It had been some time since Recluse had seen the man that now approached. Feeling her face flush despite herself. Okay so sleeping with her wife-to-be's dad was probably not that cool... But not even that thought could bring her mood down. Recluse looked up at Sparrow as she spoke: ”Guess I have a type.” Her tone was soft, adoring.


That was it it seemed, the vast majority of her children had not shown but though some part of her ached, their absence very much noticed she couldn't help the joy she still felt. Death should have been the end for her. Should have left her to her lonely afterlife... A wedding... Somehow she'd managed to find love even after death. Sparrow took the lead and Recluse watched her, unable to tear her gaze from the woman she loved. The woman who, against all odds, loved her in return. ”I will. ” It felt surreal, to say the words, to know in that moment that she meant them with all her heart. ”And will you, Sparrow, take me to be your dead and devoted wife? ” It should have hurt more maybe, to say it out loud, to put into words the stark difference in their world's, but somehow it also felt right. A sign that even boundaries as seemingly as immutable as life and death weren't strong enough to hold them back. Against all odds, they had found each other again, even now.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.