
Surprise, surprise

Seasonal Fight


Raiders Hollow

Novice Healer (15)

Intermediate Fighter (40)

08-11-2024, 09:36 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2024, 09:38 AM by Sagittarius. Edited 2 times in total.)
Sagittarius Fallen

Sagittarius fixed her gaze on the pig as she searched for a place to hide. The young female sank down into the tall grass, her breathing steady. Following her sister's advice to listen with her eyes closed, Sagittarius allowed herself to shut her eyes. She focused on the vibrations in the ground, letting her heart lead her to know when the moment was right. However, the herbivore was more than just angry; it was on a power trip. Pythia was clever, and the lesson imparted would benefit the red and black female pup. "I said kill it, or are you too afraid to take a life?" Calliope's taunts made Sagittarius’s small ears flatten against her skull.

The hog was still on the lookout for the pup, perhaps forty feet ahead of Sagittarius. She decided to let it approach a bit more. Her tail flicked slightly; she was excited but also determined to be clever about her next move. The pig remained focused on finding the young wolf pup. Taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart, she recalled their father's lessons, which were proving invaluable now. With her ears splayed wide, she dug her paws into the ground, biding her time for the perfect moment. It wouldn’t be long now; she just had to hold on a little longer. Moving almost silently against the earth, the only indication of her presence was the grass swaying with her carefully calculated steps. Her eyes slowly opened, locking onto the hog, now only about twenty-five feet away. Perhaps Sagittarius could be lucky enough to draw even closer.

Sagittarius wasn't foolish and would halt her pursuit whenever the hog glanced in her direction. She also tried to catch a whiff of the air, but the abundance of flowers made it difficult to pick up the scent of the pups. However, this would be advantageous for Sagittarius. Observing her family hunt would ultimately benefit her. Just as Calliope lunged, Sagittarius opened her eyes to see the hog approaching her hiding spot. A swift choice needed to be made: should she confront the hog or continue to run and hide? As her sister had advised, she would have to kill it.

She sprang to her feet as the hog stood about seven feet away. Sagittarius's heart raced, and her mouth watered with anticipation. Her back legs propelled her across the ground, her breathing steady as one ear stood alert while the other lay flattened, listening intently. Suddenly, the sound of a squeal broke the air, the pig calling for backup—or at least attempting to, but failing. Fueled by her instincts, Sagittarius used her back legs to launch her small frame off the ground and land on the pig. Her sharp little teeth sank into the hog’s skin repeatedly, the metallic taste of copper spurring her on for the kill.

The young female continued to bite relentlessly, while the pig let out cries for help that went unheard. A menacing growl rumbled from Sagittarius's throat, resonating deep and low. Her fangs pierced the creature's flesh, and her back claws dug in to aid the wolf pup in maintaining balance as the hog attempted to buck and kick to shake off its attacker. Her ears pressed tightly against her skull, claw marks marred the pig's spine as she repeatedly bit the same spot, applying even more pressure with each bite. Thankfully, her coat—tinged like the pig’s blood—concealed the blood that sprayed upon her red coat, but the scent of blood hung in the air around her.

The pig collapsed onto the ground, weakened from blood loss. Sagittarius continued to bite and breathe, her breaths becoming more hurried and uneven. She scanned the area for her sister, knowing she was still nearby. As she sat on the hog, licking her paws, a triumphant grin spread across her snout. An excited growl-bark escaped her lips. She had done it! Yet, a wave of worry washed over her at the thought of her sister running to tell their father what she had accomplished. Would he be proud, or would he be frightened that his daughter was venturing into the wild, so far from home? Thoughts of what she could have done differently swirled in her mind.

table coding by bunni ♥

Word Count: 1601 /1500

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1. Surprise, surprise Fern Gulley 12:06 PM, 08-05-2024 06:26 PM, 08-15-2024