
could you be my savior? [Dhiren]


12-17-2013, 07:59 PM

Her ears twitched to his words. The only reaction she gave to her internal thoughts. So, he thought she wouldn?t have given her blessing to the massacring of her family. She never would have stood up for her father. His past was filled with hunting demons that many knew and loathed. They wanted his head and his actions had caused the pack so much grief. She had learned to resent him for who he had been and who he still was. His false loyalty to her mother hadn?t clouded her vision and though she had come from his loins that didn?t make her loyal to him. Jupitors actions towards her father weren?t what she had found unforgivable. It was destroying and empire that didn?t need to be overthrown.

She listened to his words about Jupitors return. Something in her rushed at that. Her face remained blank but her heart had increased in speed. What was going on? Why was she feeling this way? She needed to get a grip on herself and the only way she knew how was to hold on to her rage. She took in a deep breath and close her eyes for a moment. She focused all her hatred in her words. It was the strangest feeling, to hate, to want more then anything to see the one that had caused her all her anguish to suffer and lose everything just as she had. She wanted to destroy everything that had ever been precious to Jupitor . ?If she comes back. I will kill her.? She said hotly. The honesty was so raw in her eyes as she looked at him. She had meant it with every fiber of her being.

?It?s not that I question your mothers grip on the crown. I witnessed the deviousness that Jupitor is capable of. Something about your mother..? she couldn?t think how to express her emotions. She felt drawn to her. She felt purpose to be close and her words had truly touched her. Her mother had been one of the few to ever speak of the gods, or rather god, but she wasn?t certain the world was created by merely one being. ?Her words touched a nerve and I don?t know why. But if I stay here, if I live here,? with you, near you,?Then I will protect her too.? She said softly. She needed something in her life to help ease the rage inside her, anything to put even the smallest damper on the fire inside her, she knew if she didn?t she would lose what was left of her mind and her sanity. Mother has proven often to be insane, she isn?t too far gone. She mused to herself. She was worse when her life held no meaning. When the memories faded and the flowers grew voices and when the rabbit came out to haunt her again. That?s when her mother vanished and the ?other? blank persona broke free.

She turned her head from her thoughts and focused them back on him. His bold words made her laugh. She couldn?t help it. What arrogance he held to think she lingered because of him. Maybe he was half right but she would never admit that. No, and he had called her his star. She couldn?t help but swoon inside her head. God if he could hear the girly excitement that was radiating deep inside her she would die. Instead she looked at him pointedly and allowed her laugh to breathe free from her lips. When was the last time she laughed like that? ?Oh please. In your dreams Maggot.? She teased, yet he wasn?t so far aware from her emotions. She snapped at him playfully to that, enjoying the fact that he was attempting to lighten the mood. It had turned a dark path and she hadn?t truly shared her past with anyone. When the world broke she had lost her path. She had gone renegade and left everything behind. Including her brothers and new siblings, she didn?t even know her sisters, only Neios.

His last words made her ears fall back. Yes, many did know what had happened. Those that still followed her mother. They knew what had happened. Zara and Champion, and all those that had once been close to her family. ?I..? she said softly, ?I left once our kingdom fell. All those wolves counting on my mother had stayed with her. They had faith but I lost mine.? She said honestly, her mother had failed to defend the pack; she had failed to keep the kingdom. She had been the queen slayer and had been defeated by a serpent. If her mother, the largest wolf that she knew of, the strongest and the kindest couldn?t keep her home then what was there to have faith in? Her brother had abandoned her, Basilisk had been her everything. Her hero. Yet where was he now? Sure they had talked about revenge but he had truly abandoned her and she was tired of being on the lamb.

?You know Maggot, you never did tell me your real name. Or do you enjoy my term of endearment for you?? she said with a smile. She wanted to let go of her sorrow for a little while. If he wanted to convince her to stay here, with him, and belong then they needed to talk about other things. Other, less depressing things. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her to show her subtle playfulness.
