
more of an inconvenience than a thread




Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-11-2024, 08:23 PM

Now that a promising future lay on the horizon, Xurek had suggested to Uruk that they scout nearby territories. While the knolls provided everything they required as equines, there was much to Boreas that they also did not know. If they were to rise and conquer, they would need more knowledge of the land they walk upon. Leaving Asa behind in the protection of a few trusted others, Xurek wanders at an exploring pace with the stormy coated stallion.

As they cross the dreary plateau and through the shallow river that curves toward a grove of willows, Xurek doesn't hesitate to walk right through the crisp and cool waters. Approaching the willows and their weeping boughs, he enjoys the companionable silence. If there was anything of important to point out, he would be sure to notate it and share it with Uruk. For now, he kept his sense alert and his eyes on the surroundings. Already the sun began to travel westward noting that dusk would soon arrive.

Long shadows cast from the stooping willows hid many animals as they peered at the two titans from safety. Winding streams burbled around them, sometimes disturbed by their hooves as they cross without hesitation. Xurek even reaches out to snag a blossoming branch to snack on for a moment until a loud snapping catches his attention. His ears press forward, eyes widening as he stops, nostrils flaring to inhale the warm breeze that brushes past them.

Before he has time to alert Uruk, a spotted big cat slinks from the upper perches of a wide willow. It bounds with silent leaps toward them with large fangs flashing in their direction. The resounding yowl that follows doesn't deter or frighten Xurek. Did the cat not see the impressive size of himself and Uruk beside him? "This will not take us much time," he jokes flatly to Uruk before charging forward to meet the leopard. Lowering his massive head and tucking his chin, he flings his face forward as claws scrape his neck to send the feline hurdling into the air backward toward Uruk.

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥

1/3 explore new land - whistling willows
1/3 fight large predator - leopard

Thread Move Log
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1. more of an inconvenience than a thread Whistling Willows 08:23 PM, 08-11-2024 01:27 AM, 08-20-2024