
Boys Don't Cry - The Cure

Vesper, ?


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
08-11-2024, 11:37 PM

He had to admit, he missed her sass. While he was grateful for her attention he was braced for some pushback from her. He didn't think he'd have it in him to bite back much but somehow it was a reminder of the time before, a time when things weren't quite this hard.

With a curt nod and two hard blinks to wash away those dreadful tears he got to work. Thankful for her grounding questions. He can focus on those.

He pulled similar herbs together that had gotten mixed in the bag. He pulled out dainty white and green flowers first and put them in a pile. "This is Elderflower. Since it's spring time these are in abundance. The only part of the tree that can be used freshly and steeped in a tea. This'll help anyone with cold like symptoms, like the coughs, runny noses, and the like. This is perfect for those common spring colds."

He moved over a gathering of leaves attached to a rather strong-smelling root. He had washed the roots in a stream before bagging it. "This is valerian, It can used as a sleep aid, and pain reliever, and can soothe the nervous system. Like ya know when they're trembling? This should really help support those symptoms."

He gathered another bunch of bright green leaves but was very careful about only holding one side of the leaf, the top sides as he put them in a pile.
"This one is Stinging Nettle. It uses tiny needles to make an allergy response but to aching joints, it relieves the pain of inflammation and can overall lessen someone's allergic reaction to the season's pollen. It's another nervous system supporter."

There he had all three in a pile. then he picked up some plain looking mushrooms and a few red ones.
"This brown mushroom here, this is one of those trippy mushrooms. I'm thinking if we add one of these to each dose of cure it'll help sort out some of the hallucinations. Help them get grounded and bring them back." He looked into the face of his own father who didn't recognize him. "If this one doesn't work I have this one-" And he pulled up the red-capped mushroom, "In large quantities, this'll kill you. It's a rather mild amanita though, but it can also induce hallucinations. I was going to try the brown one first then the red one."
He licked his lips and took a shakey breath.

"I'm going to show you how to make it." He looked up at her, his face resolved, determined, tired, and agonized. She looked rather pretty sitting there. If not for his shame echoed back at him.

He reached slowly out to her nose, was the scratch healing like he hoped? or scarring like he feared? His expression melted into guilt as he looked at the scratch over her nose.
