
Disarm you with a smile



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

3 Years
08-12-2024, 04:37 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2024, 07:32 AM by Valkeyrie. Edited 4 times in total.)
The child’s mischievous smile caught Val somewhat off-guard and she cocked her head to the side in a questioning manner. Before she could say anything though the child flung herself off the wall. Val’s heart caught in her throat as she rushed forwards, catching a glimpse of the child running off. She gritted her teeth, annoyed that the child had pulled such a prank yet she was familiar with children and their… playfulness. With a flick of her ears she dove over the wall to follow the child.

She was easily able to keep pace, she allowed some distance between herself and the pup to let the pup think she was winning. It was always good to build a child’s confidence and she did not want the pup to think she was weak. She watched the birds out of the corner of her eye, astounded that they were still following the pup. Honestly her focus was more on the birds than it was on the child, watching to make sure the birds did not try to take a sudden chance while they were on the move.

It took Val a moment before she realized the child had come to a sudden stop. She tried to stop but ended up skidding through the dirt towards the child. A cloud of dust forming in her wake as she tried to stop herself. Her focus no longer on the birds.

This side of the wall seemed a bit less wet, probably due to the sun beating down on it more than it had the other side. The breeze that she felt was even felt warmer and she was sure that it came from the south, if she was correct that was where the warmth was. Perhaps it was so cold on the other side of the wall because it blocked the warm breeze? It was an interesting thought.

*Added for Nav points

Navigator – Explored a new land (The Wall) - 3/3
Intellect – Met someone new (Araxina) – 3/3