
If you want to get out alive


12-17-2013, 09:16 PM

"Tell me about it. I get home and my brother has my title and I'm no better than a beached whale. Don't have puppies. Ever. It's a ball and chain deal. I want to do stuff but I don't want to do stuff." Vahva blinked for a moment giving another smile yet again. Azalea was a bit late on that part, considering she had already had a litter, against her will as it was, nearly two years ago. Her children were probably priding in their own pack right now, she did give them the choice to follow her when they needed though so she was unsure if one of them had wandered here. Specially her son Colman, she wondered how the boy was doing and it brought a slight ache to her heart. "I gave my title as an alphess up when I came to return to Alacritis. I've had a litter of puppies before, not my choice, but I still loved them all the same. They should be turning two in the coming spring but I doubt I shall see them again. Where I left them with my friend who now owns the pack I used to run they were magnificent wolves ready to serve a purpose within that pack." Vahva explained, her beady red eyes giving a soft slang of pain into them remembering her days as a slave.
"Hey, I'm not gonna complain but its really not my call." Vahva nodded her head, of course the new alphess Chrysanthe would have that call. It'd only be for a few hours at best before returning to Taurig, though she probably knew what he was planning and she didn't like it. "It'll only be for an hour or two, if you'd have me. If Chrysanthe gives you trouble I'll take full blame. I can't have my sister getting in trouble because of me." Vahva stated with a slight chuckle. They were on good terms, for now, at least.
