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"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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08-12-2024, 09:40 PM

The shock factor set in when Bramble saw her, asking if she was ok. Medusa giggled as she grinned, settling down beside Enki. "Medusa is fine, she was working on a deer!" She answered before the younger girl went on to give her name. Aahh! So that's what it was? Cool cool, she would remember that now! She enjoyed her previous encounter(s) with the girl, so she would be hard to forget. Now that she was comfortable, she let Bramble and Enki talk while she proceeded to sort of groom herself. She listened with rapt attention as the pair spoke, listening as Bramble mentioned that castletown wanted to forge new ties with them, which Medusa felt skeptical about and she paused midlick to glance up for a moment before resuming. Last she knew, the holier-than-thou leader had proclaimed Insomnia as an enemy when she had won the challenge for Habari. And he had never sought to find out why Medusa did it.

She stopped her grooming as Enki spoke, pointing out to Bramble that Insomnia had been hated. Which in Medusa's opinion, was true. Which as he also pointed out, was also more or less why Insomnia did mostly keep to themselves. Sure, she was present during important local things, like other challenges, but other than that? Insomnia lived life mostly on the downlow. She didn't particularly go out of her way to harass anyone, and she was pleasant enough when visitors came around, which wasn't often. The only time she really enacted violence was when others disrespected her or her pack, or committed some sort of offense toward them. But even that was few and far in between. She hadn't really done anything against a proclaimed enemy since she had taken Habari, and even then she hadn't kept those she took as prisoners for very long. Hell, she had eventually welcomed them to stay with open arms when they decided that's what they had wanted to do. Enki included.

She caught Enki's glance, to which she slowly nodded as she agreed with what he was saying so far. As he went on, she was also curious as to why castletown's leader suddenly decided why he wanted to do this now instead of back then. It had been what? Somewhere over two years since Insomnia had been founded? And he had waited this long only to not come visit himself? She squinted as Enki finished, taking a moment to process everything so far as her thoughts bounced all over the place. Looking at Bramble, she added, "Castletown declared Insomnia an enemy when Medusa won Habari. Bramble's alpha did not know why, just saw Medusa as an enemy even though she fought fair and square for it. Habari was Medusa's enemy. She took her enemies with her, but then many of her enemies became friends." She glanced at Enki, "Enki is one of them, and he now leads with Medusa." She looked back to Bramble then, "Medusa has many things to consider, but she also wonders why now? What does castletown want from Insomnia? And why did Bramble's leader take so long and not come speak to Insomnia himself?" Genuine curiosity, of course. But also not so hidden suspicion. What was in it for them?


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: