
Surprise, surprise

Seasonal Fight


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-13-2024, 04:35 AM
The hog and the pup soon did not notice she was standing there. Calliope didn't mind this. She was merely a buffer, someone to step in in case things went awry. For now, she would spectate. Take note of Sagittarius' moves. As long as the pup didn't die, Calliope didn't particularly care what did happen to the pup. After all, she wasn't a very nice wolf.

She was impressed though. Watching Sagittarius carefully, she notices how the pup slows down, takes her time, assesses the hog and allows it draw closer. Time seemed to slow down as the two creatures drew closer together. A brow raised in curiosity and impatience as Calliope continued to hold still. Fuck if she had ever had this sort of patience as a pup or even now. Her own skin itched with anticipation, the urge, the need to attack. Truly, she couldn't help it. Calliope wanted excitement!

With the hog close enough, she lunges for it to entice it toward her sister. This riled it enough that it sends the hog launching toward Sagittarius who meets it with claw and tooth. Calliope's lips spread into a smirk as she takes a step back to watch the killing unfold. Squeals light the air, pained noises gurgle from the hog as it struggles and fights the pup's relentless attacks. A minute or so passes before the hog lies still and her sister is sitting atop it with a proud smile. Turning to the obsidian and garnet pup, Calliope nods her head in approval, a hum in her throat as she approaches.

"Alright, that's enough fun for you today," Calliope says, albeit not that sternly. "I'll get ya home before the parents find out," she leans down to nudge Sagittarius off the hog before picking up the kill in her jaw. "Don't worry. You get to keep the pig for whatever you want," her smile says it all. With hog in mouth and pup at her side, Calliope begins their journey back home before nightfall.

- exit Calliope -


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. Surprise, surprise Fern Gulley 12:06 PM, 08-05-2024 06:26 PM, 08-15-2024