
Nurturing and ever-vigilant




Master Healer (240)

Master Navigator (250)

1 Year
08-13-2024, 04:57 AM
Her dexterous paw reaches out to cup his cheek, tilting it lightly so that he looks directly into her piercing gaze. For a moment, Bancha's breath is caught in his throat. Scylla's words are soft, but important. She speaks highly of him and it makes his heart flutter in a way he's never experienced before. At a loss of words for a moment, Bancha can't do anything but swallow the admiration he feels for the new Sovereign. She was... more than Kotori ever hoped to be and Bancha realizes that now under Scylla's care, he could actually be somebody.

When she releases her hold, his breath rushes from his lungs. Captivated by the mesmerizing pixie, Bancha takes a moment before his thoughts can collect themselves and he's able to formulate proper sentences. "You already have so many proficient healers," he notes, remembering Satira and Strix and his other siblings that strive for something along similar lines. "I am also interested in navigation. I love to explore, to examine, to see the world for what it is," he lifts a paw to motion at the jungle around them.

He sees the way the water glimmers in the morning light, reflecting fish scales beneath the surface. How the shadows draw long over the mangrove's roots, hiding away critters from the jaws of predators. The way the leaves flutter in that salty, but fresh breeze as it ruffles over their coats. This place was perfect and if he didn't already have such a humble abode tucked away behind the nearby falls, he would consider moving his stuff to here. Even looking down now to the milkweed beside him as he carefully pulls the last leaf he needs from the stalk, he knows now that while healing has a place in his heart, navigating would suit him much better.

"I am small, agile, and smarter than I appear to be," Bancha muses, a playful smile on his lips. "I would make for a good scout. Fast, ability to run quickly. I can hide in small places without being noticed," he adds on for good measure, hoping that Scylla would agree. "Do you think that would be okay? For me to work my way up to some sort of navigator for Obscura?" The youth questions, his bright teal eyes drawing upward to the Sovereign once more, a hesitant but happy thump of his curled tail against the damp ground revealing his hope.


as an adult, bancha will prefer they/them but until he's matured, he/him is fine too!