
I will not bow, I will not break




Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-14-2024, 07:13 PM

Xurek was not exactly pleased to be in such a place. His large hooves troubled keeping above the surface of the land. Pockets of mud and thick sand clung to his feathered legs as he wandered. It was necessary though. He was instructed to go scouting nearby areas to see which ones would be most viable for their expansion or movement. So far, this place was a hard no. Even though it had plenty of shade and flora to munch on, it was proving to be quite dangerous. Someone could easily snap a leg bone here...

Or get into a struggle with an alligator. The sudden scream that pierced the air sends his head turning, eyes alert and roving for the movement. There, not far off, in some water, a bright pink wolf stumbles as a large alligator moves after her. Xurek is not a valiant creature, nor he is heroic or sympathetic. He's tempted to leave her there to die. Why would she do such a thing? Flaring his nostrils, contemplating his next move, he knows he'll regret it later as he begins to move his massive body forward.

The head of the alligator would make for good armor, he decides that now as he closes the space between himself and the wolf. Noticing how the alligator's tail was still mostly on the bank, Xurek leaps forward and slams his front hooves atop the alligator's heavily armored tail. "Move," he commands the wolf in his thick and deep voice, ears flattened and lips peeled back in a sneer at the reptile turns to snap in his direction.

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥

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1. I will not bow, I will not break Corpseghoul Swamplands 01:30 PM, 08-13-2024 12:15 AM, 10-01-2024